2024-07-10 02:01:55 -07:00

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Org Mode

* T.H.W.A.P. Emacs Configuration Optional Packages
This document provides a list of all optional packages that can be enabled in the T.H.W.A.P. Emacs (thwapmacs) configuration.
** Optional Packages
Please note this is an initial pass list, I'll include links to documentation and get this list sorted, in the days
to come. Currently there is no ryhme or reason here.
1. **eglot**
- Description: Emacs Polyglot LSP library for various language support.
- Usage: Provides Language Server Protocol (LSP) integration.
2. **lsp-mode**
- Description: Emacs client for Language Server Protocol.
- Usage: Alternative to eglot for LSP support.
3. **company**
- Description: Modular in-buffer completion framework.
- Usage: Provides auto-completion capabilities.
4. **magit**
- Description: A Git porcelain inside Emacs.
- Usage: Provides a comprehensive interface to Git.
5. **projectile**
- Description: Project Interaction Library for Emacs.
- Usage: Manages and navigates projects.
6. **helm**
- Description: Incremental completion and selection narrowing framework.
- Usage: Provides enhanced interface for various operations like searching.
7. **ivy**
- Description: Incremental Vertical completion.
- Usage: Alternative to Helm for completion and narrowing.
8. **org-roam**
- Description: Roam Research replica in Org-mode.
- Usage: Provides note-taking and linking capabilities.
9. **yasnippet**
- Description: Yet another snippet extension for Emacs.
- Usage: Provides snippet/template system for Emacs.
10. **markdown-mode**
- Description: Major mode for Markdown-formatted text files.
- Usage: Provides syntax highlighting and editing capabilities for Markdown.
11. **python-mode**
- Description: Major mode for editing Python files.
- Usage: Enhances Python programming experience.
12. **go-mode**
- Description: Major mode for the Go programming language.
- Usage: Provides support for Go language development.
** Enabling Optional Packages
To enable an optional package, you can use the Emacs customization interface:
1. Press `C-c t C-c` to access the customization group.
2. Enable the desired package from the list.
Alternatively, you can manually enable packages by adding the appropriate `use-package` declaration in a file in your
~/.emacs.d/thwap.d/ directory.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package eglot
:ensure t
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure))