Update to clean up transitions and other stuff

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William Moore 2022-07-06 15:35:57 -05:00
parent e57cf58884
commit 8ba09b9ffc

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@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech.
Looking is look.
The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules.
A person can be chatted up. A person can be drunk or sober.
A person can be drunk or sober. A person is usually sober. A person can be alive or dead. A person is usually alive. A person can be afraid or unafraid. A person is usually unafraid.
Understand "slap [something]" as slapping. Slapping is an action applying to one visible thing.
@ -13,16 +15,20 @@ After slapping when the noun is a person:
[ The Beginning scene ]
The Beginning is a scene. The Beginning begins when play begins. The Beginning ends when the Narrator is chatted up. The description of the Beginning is "Welcome to Buttered Toast: the Interactive Fiction Starring Billy Davis.[line break][line break]We want to claim this is full of action, adventure, mystery, and love![line break][line break]In loving memory of Johnny von Soundstation."
The Beginning is a scene. The Beginning begins when play begins. The Beginning ends when the player is wearing the amulet of destiny. The description of the Beginning is "Welcome to Buttered Toast: the Interactive Fiction Starring Billy Davis.[line break][line break]We want to claim this is full of action, adventure, mystery, and love![line break][line break]In loving memory of Johnny von Soundstation."
Darkly Lit Room is a room. The description of Darkly Lit Room is "You are in a darkly lit room and it is difficult to see most features. Those that are visible are blurry."
Poorly Lit Room is a room. The description of Poorly Lit Room is "You are in a poorly lit room and it is difficult to see most features. Those that are visible are blurry."
The Narrator is a person in Darkly Lit Room. The description of Narrator is "The narrator is well-dressed and young looking. They look like they urgently want to speak wth you."
The Narrator is a person in Poorly Lit Room. The description of Narrator is "The narrator is well-dressed and young looking. They look like they urgently want to speak wth you."
The amulet of destiny is a thing. The description of the amulet of destiny is "A bright and shiny amulet that weighs a bunch."
After speech when the noun is Narrator:
say "Hello everyone! What you are about to see is Buttered Toast: the Interactive Fiction Starring Billy Davis. If you are in the wrong interactive fiction, this is probably going to be your last chance to leave before you get embarrassed. So, I will wait a while so those who may have entered the wrong one may leave.[line break][line break]Alright! I can only assume that you all are the ones wanting to experience it.[line break][line break]Enjoy the show!";
now the noun is chatted up;
move the player to Chung Ho's House
say "Here, have [the amulet of destiny]! Wear it with strength and honor!";
now the amulet of destiny is in Poorly Lit Room;
silently try taking the amulet of destiny;
now the player is wearing the amulet of destiny
[ Scene 2 - A small Chinese village in 1895 ]
@ -40,6 +46,9 @@ Chung Ho is a man in Chung Ho's House. The description of Chung Ho is "Despite
Chung He is a woman in Chung Ho's House. The description of Chung He is "An average Chinese woman. She looks like she has worked hard all her life."
When Scene 2 begins:
move the player to Chung Ho's House.
After speech when the noun is Chung Ho and Scene 2 is happening:
say "I need to go to America. In order to do this, I need a way to safely cross the great ocean that separates our two lands."
@ -69,7 +78,7 @@ When Scene 3 begins:
[ Scene 4 - San Francisco, 1895 ]
Scene 4 is a scene. Scene 4 begins when Scene 3 ends.
Scene 4 is a scene. Scene 4 begins when Scene 3 ends. Scene 4 ends when Amelia is drunk and Chung Ho is dead.
Central Embarcadero is a room. Central Embarcadero is south of North Embarcadero. The description of Central Embarcadero is "The Embarcadero looks like a warf straight from 20 years in the future. It extends north and south along a curve. Shops are along it. West is the rest of San Francisco."
@ -94,6 +103,9 @@ Before going to a room (called new room) when Amelia is sober and Scene 4 is hap
move Amelia to new room;
say "Amelia sobs uncontrollably."
Before going to a room (called new room) when Amelia is drunk and Scene 4 is happening:
move Chung Ho to new room.
After slapping when the noun is Typical Barkeep and Scene 4 is happening:
say "The barkeep sits down and cries. After some time, he says 'Screw you, all! I quit! I've had it up to here with your awful treatment!' He then gets up and leaves. You rummage through the bar and take some [Irish Whiskey].";
remove Typical Barkeep from play;
@ -103,6 +115,9 @@ After slapping when the noun is Typical Barkeep and Scene 4 is happening:
Check going to Cafe Du Nord from Lombard Street when Scene 4 is happening:
say "You trek up the hill slowly. Once you get to the top, you meander through the streets until you find yourself in the famed Cafe du Nord."
After examining when noun is Chung Ho and Scene 4 is happening:
say "His clothing is in a state of disrepair."
After speech when the noun is Chung Ho and Scene 4 is happening:
say "Chung Ho says 'I am lost. Is this San Francisco?'"
@ -116,9 +131,15 @@ To decide whether Irish Whiskey interests Amelia:
if Amelia has Irish Whiskey, no;
After examining when noun is Amelia and Amelia is drunk:
say "Amelia looks plastered after polishing off the whiskey."
After giving Irish Whiskey to Amelia:
say "Amelia smiles and says 'Thank you! I can probably forget about my troubles with this.'";
now Amelia is drunk;
move Amelia to Cafe du Nord
move Amelia to Cafe du Nord;
move Chung Ho to location of player.
test scene4 with "speak with narrator / go s / go w / get canoe / go e / go n / give canoe to ho"
test scene4pt2 with "go n / go w / go w / slap barkeep / give whiskey to amelia"