;; ;; Set some defaults ;; ;; automatically revert buffers when they change on disk (global-auto-revert-mode t) ;; display line numbers, TODO make this a config option for line number style (global-display-line-numbers-mode 1) ;; set our default warning level to error (setq warning-minimum-level :error) ;; set the default tab width to 2 spaces (setq-default tab-width 2) (setq tab-width 2) (setq indent-tabs-mode 1) ;; Set the default help lines (setq thwap-help-lines '("--------------" "All T.H.W.A.P. commands will start with 'C-c t'" "" "Welcome to the T.H.W.A.P. Emacs Dashboard")) ;; ;; Golden Ratio Mode helps with window sizing, and is a default feature ;; ;; golden-ratio (straight-use-package 'golden-ratio) (golden-ratio-mode 1) (setq golden-ratio-auto-scale t) ;; ;; Set up the T.H.W.A.P. keybindings ;; ;; The T.H.W.A.P. Map ;; This is the base starting point for the T.H.W.A.P. keybindings (define-prefix-command 'thwap-map) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c t") 'thwap-map) ;; Add a command to customize the T.H.W.A.P. group (thwap/add-key-binding "C-c" (lambda () (interactive) (customize-group 'thwap-config-group)) "Customize this T.H.W.A.P. Emacs Installation") ;; quick commenting/uncommenting of a region is just too useful (thwap/add-key-binding "c" 'comment-or-uncomment-region "Comment or uncomment region") ;; eval buffer is also very useful (thwap/add-key-binding "e b" 'eval-buffer "Eval buffer") ;; our provide statement (provide 'thwap-defaults)