#+BEGIN_CENTER #+CAPTION: WhompMacs: W.H.O.M.P. GNU Emacs Configuration #+NAME: logo #+ATTR_HTML: align: center #+BEGIN_SRC ____ __ ____ __ __ ______ .___ ___. .______ \ \ / \ / / | | | | / __ \ | \/ | | _ \ \ \/ \/ / | |__| | | | | | | \ / | | |_) | \ / | __ | | | | | | |\/| | | ___/ \ /\ / __ | | | | __| `--' | __| | | | __| | __ \__/ \__/ (__)|__| |__| (__)\______/ (__)__| |__| (__) _| (__) #+END_SRC #+END_CENTER * W.H.O.M.P. Emacs Configuration I recently was advised against rolling my own emacs configuration. Then someone did it, because he's smart like that. As it turns out, yeah, he admitted to being wrong. The result of rolling my own is a nice fast distribution that is somewhat opinionated. Furthermore, most of the major changes in W.H.O.M.P. are highly experimental and haven't been suggested for T.H.W.A.P. just yet. Enjoy! From the original developer of T.H.W.A.P.( https://github.com/fuzzy/thwapmacs/ ): No doubt I've been helped along that journey by much reading and worthy YouTube Emacs content. And in that spirit I am publishing this configuration, and endeavoring to ensure that it is well commented and documented. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to start a discussion by opening an issue. If you have suggestions, and can't be asked to interact with someone, I get it, feel free to send a PR and we can communicate through code if that works for you. ** Installation Simply clone this repository as your ~/.emacs.d directory and start emacs. #+BEGIN_SRC test -d ~/.emacs.d && mv ~/.emacs.d ~/emacs.d git clone https://rezrov.xyz/caranmegil/whompmacs ~/.emacs.d emacs # start up emacs in the normal way and let it bootstrap #+END_SRC This configuration bootstraps and uses straight.el to manage all package installations. Once you get emacs started, you will quickly find, that it is nearly as minimal as it can be. straight.el and use-package will have been bootstrapped, along with golden-ratio. There is a handy note in the keybindings listed on the dashboard telling you which keys to press, in order to get to the customization group. From there, you can enable and configure all of the avaiable layers of support. That keybinding for reference, is _C-c w C-c_. ** Help All keybindings set in this configuration are listed on the dashboard. Any other keybindings set by this configuration were the recommended defaults from the package. If a non-default was chosen, it is listed in the help information on the dashboard. Additionally, with any custom configuration you may do, if you wish your keybindings to be added to the _whomp-map_, you may do so with the provided _whomp/add-key-binding_ function, like so: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (whomp/add-key-binding "M-s" 'org-edit-special "Edit the source at this point, in it's native mode") #+end_src This will prefix it with _C-c w_ like all other W.H.O.M.P. Emacs commands, but it will also place the help message into the dashboard's greeting message as a reminder. ** Features W.H.O.M.P. Emacs (or whompmacs) is configured to be minimal out of the box, however has rich support for many different packages. All of these are off by default with *VERY* few exceptions. Below you will find a list of all the optional packages that are natively supported. Further, we'll go over how you can add your own configuration options and take advantage of the configuration interface. *** Non-Optional/Default packages 1. [[https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el][straight.el]] - straight works with use-package to fetch and setup local installations. 2. [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]] - use-package is a fantastic package management system for local installs. 3. [[https://github.com/emacs-dashboard/emacs-dashboard][emacs-dashboard]] - A nice handy startup screen, filled with fun facts and stuff. *** Optional packages Optional packages are getting their own special home in the _doc/_ directory, so please refer to that location for any documentation on what packages are included.