
263 lines
7.7 KiB

import {
} from './types';
import { transformAsync } from '@babel/core';
import Terser from 'terser';
import { fileTypes, hasFileOfType, cleanImportPath } from './utils';
import { createPolyfillsData } from './createPolyfillsData';
import path from 'path';
* Function which loads a script dynamically, returning a thenable (object with then function)
* because Promise might not be loaded yet
const loadScriptFunction = `
function loadScript(src, type, attributes) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
function onLoaded() {
if (script.parentElement) {
script.src = src;
script.onload = onLoaded;
if (attributes) {
attributes.forEach(function (att) {
script.setAttribute(att.name, att.value);
script.onerror = function () {
console.error('[polyfills-loader] failed to load: ' + src + ' check the network tab for HTTP status.');
if (type) script.type = type;
* Returns the loadScriptFunction if a script will be loaded for this config.
function createLoadScriptCode(cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig, polyfills: PolyfillFile[]) {
const { MODULE, SCRIPT } = fileTypes;
if (
(polyfills && polyfills.length > 0) ||
[SCRIPT, MODULE].some(type => hasFileOfType(cfg, type))
) {
return loadScriptFunction;
return '';
* Returns a js statement which loads the given resource in the browser.
function createLoadFile(file: File) {
const resourcePath = cleanImportPath(file.path);
const attributesAsJsCodeString = file.attributes ? JSON.stringify(file.attributes) : '[]';
switch (file.type) {
case fileTypes.SCRIPT:
return `loadScript('${resourcePath}', null, ${attributesAsJsCodeString})`;
case fileTypes.MODULE:
return `loadScript('${resourcePath}', 'module', ${attributesAsJsCodeString})`;
case fileTypes.MODULESHIM:
return `loadScript('${resourcePath}', 'module-shim', ${attributesAsJsCodeString})`;
case fileTypes.SYSTEMJS:
return `System.import('${resourcePath}')`;
throw new Error(`Unknown resource type: ${file.type}`);
* Creates a statement which loads the given resources in the browser sequentially.
function createLoadFiles(files: File[]) {
if (files.length === 1) {
return createLoadFile(files[0]);
return `[
${files.map(r => `function() { return ${createLoadFile(r)} }`)}
].reduce(function (a, c) {
return a.then(c);
}, Promise.resolve())`;
* Creates js code which loads the correct resources, uses runtime feature detection
* of legacy resources are configured to load the appropriate resources.
function createLoadFilesFunction(cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig) {
const loadResources = cfg.modern && cfg.modern.files ? createLoadFiles(cfg.modern.files) : '';
if (!cfg.legacy || cfg.legacy.length === 0) {
return loadResources;
function reduceFn(all: string, current: LegacyEntrypoint, i: number) {
return `${all}${i !== 0 ? ' else ' : ''}if (${current.test}) {
const loadLegacyResources = cfg.legacy.reduce(reduceFn, '');
return `${loadLegacyResources} else {
* Creates js code which waits for polyfills if applicable, and executes
* the code which loads entrypoints.
function createLoadFilesCode(cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig, polyfills: PolyfillFile[]) {
const loadFilesFunction = createLoadFilesFunction(cfg);
// create a separate loadFiles to be run after polyfills
if (polyfills && polyfills.length > 0) {
return `
function loadFiles() {
if (polyfills.length) {
} else {
// there are no polyfills, load entries straight away
return `${loadFilesFunction}`;
* Returns the relative path to a polyfill (in posix path format suitable for
* a relative URL) given the plugin configuation
function relativePolyfillPath(polyfillPath: string, cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig) {
const relativePath = path.join(cfg.relativePathToPolyfills || './', polyfillPath);
return relativePath.split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);
* Creates code which loads the configured polyfills
function createPolyfillsLoaderCode(
cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig,
polyfills: PolyfillFile[],
): { loadPolyfillsCode: string; generatedFiles: GeneratedFile[] } {
if (!polyfills || polyfills.length === 0) {
return { loadPolyfillsCode: '', generatedFiles: [] };
const generatedFiles: GeneratedFile[] = [];
let loadPolyfillsCode = ' var polyfills = [];';
polyfills.forEach(polyfill => {
let loadScript = `loadScript('./${relativePolyfillPath(polyfill.path, cfg)}')`;
if (polyfill.initializer) {
loadScript += `.then(function () { ${polyfill.initializer} })`;
const loadPolyfillCode = `polyfills.push(${loadScript});`;
if (polyfill.test) {
loadPolyfillsCode += `if (${polyfill.test}) { ${loadPolyfillCode} }`;
} else {
loadPolyfillsCode += `${loadPolyfillCode}`;
type: polyfill.type,
path: polyfill.path,
content: polyfill.content,
return { loadPolyfillsCode, generatedFiles };
* Creates a loader script that executes immediately, loading the configured
* polyfills and resources (app entrypoints, scripts etc.).
export async function createPolyfillsLoader(
cfg: PolyfillsLoaderConfig,
): Promise<PolyfillsLoader | null> {
let polyfillFiles = await createPolyfillsData(cfg);
const coreJs = polyfillFiles.find(pf => pf.name === 'core-js');
polyfillFiles = polyfillFiles.filter(pf => pf !== coreJs);
const { loadPolyfillsCode, generatedFiles } = createPolyfillsLoaderCode(cfg, polyfillFiles);
let code = `
${createLoadScriptCode(cfg, polyfillFiles)}
${createLoadFilesCode(cfg, polyfillFiles)}
if (coreJs) {
type: fileTypes.SCRIPT,
path: coreJs.path,
content: coreJs.content,
// if core-js should be polyfilled, load it first and then the rest because most
// polyfills rely on things like Promise to be already loaded
code = `(function () {
function polyfillsLoader() {
if (${coreJs.test}) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
function onLoaded() {
s.src = "./${relativePolyfillPath(coreJs.path, cfg)}";
s.onload = onLoaded;
s.onerror = function () {
console.error('[polyfills-loader] failed to load: ' + s.src + ' check the network tab for HTTP status.');
} else {
} else {
code = `(function () { ${code} })();`;
if (cfg.minify) {
const output = await Terser.minify(code);
if (!output || !output.code) {
throw new Error('Could not minify loader.');
({ code } = output);
} else {
const output = await transformAsync(code, { babelrc: false, configFile: false });
if (!output || !output.code) {
throw new Error('Could not prettify loader.');
({ code } = output);
if (cfg.externalLoaderScript) {
generatedFiles.push({ type: 'script', path: 'loader.js', content: code });
return { code, polyfillFiles: generatedFiles };