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{"version":3,"file":"css-tag.js","sources":["src/css-tag.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nconst NODE_MODE = false;\nconst global = NODE_MODE ? globalThis : window;\n\n/**\n * Whether the current browser supports `adoptedStyleSheets`.\n */\nexport const supportsAdoptingStyleSheets: boolean =\n global.ShadowRoot &&\n (global.ShadyCSS === undefined || global.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) &&\n 'adoptedStyleSheets' in Document.prototype &&\n 'replace' in CSSStyleSheet.prototype;\n\n/**\n * A CSSResult or native CSSStyleSheet.\n *\n * In browsers that support constructible CSS style sheets, CSSStyleSheet\n * object can be used for styling along side CSSResult from the `css`\n * template tag.\n */\nexport type CSSResultOrNative = CSSResult | CSSStyleSheet;\n\nexport type CSSResultArray = Array<CSSResultOrNative | CSSResultArray>;\n\n/**\n * A single CSSResult, CSSStyleSheet, or an array or nested arrays of those.\n */\nexport type CSSResultGroup = CSSResultOrNative | CSSResultArray;\n\nconst constructionToken = Symbol();\n\nconst cssTagCache = new WeakMap<TemplateStringsArray, CSSStyleSheet>();\n\n/**\n * A container for a string of CSS text, that may be used to create a CSSStyleSheet.\n *\n * CSSResult is the return value of `css`-tagged template literals and\n * `unsafeCSS()`. In order to ensure that CSSResults are only created via the\n * `css` tag and `unsafeCSS()`, CSSResult cannot be constructed directly.\n */\nexport class CSSResult {\n // This property needs to remain unminified.\n ['_$cssResult$'] = true;\n readonly cssText: string;\n private _styleSheet?: CSSStyleSheet;\n private _strings: TemplateStringsArray | undefined;\n\n private constructor(\n cssText: string,\n strings: TemplateStringsArray | undefined,\n safeToken: symbol\n ) {\n if (safeToken !== constructionToken) {\n throw new Error(\n 'CSSResult is not constructable. Use `unsafeCSS` or `css` instead.'\n );\n }\n this.cssText = cssText;\n this._strings = strings;\n }\n\n // This is a getter so that it's lazy. In practice, this means stylesheets\n // are not created until the first element instance is made.\n get styleSheet(): CSSStyleSheet | undefined {\n // If `supportsAdoptingStyleSheets` is true then we assume CSSStyleSheet is\n // constructable.\n let styleSheet = this._styleSheet;\n const strings = this._strings;\n if (supportsAdoptingStyleSheets && styleSheet === undefined) {\n const cacheable = strings !== undefined && strings.length === 1;\n if (cacheable) {\n styleSheet = cssTagCache.get(strings);\n }\n if (styleSheet === undefined) {\n (this._styleSheet = styleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet()).replaceSync(\n this.cssText\n );\n if (cacheable) {\n cssTagCache.set(strings, styleSheet);\n }\n }\n }\n return styleSheet;\n }\n\n toString(): string {\n return this.cssText;\n }\n}\n\ntype ConstructableCSSResult = CSSResult & {\n new (\n cssText: string,\n strings: TemplateStringsArray | undefined,\n safeToken: symbol\n ): CSSResult;\n};\n\nconst textFromCSSResult = (value: CSSResultGroup | number) => {\n // This property needs to remain unminified.\n if ((value as CSSResult)['_$cssResult$'] === true) {\n return (value as CSSResult).cssText;\n } else if (typeof value === 'number') {\n return value;\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n `Value passed to 'css' function must be a 'css' function result: ` +\n `${value}. Use 'unsafeCSS' to pass non-literal values, but take care ` +\n `to ensure page security.`\n );\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Wrap a value for interpolation in a {@linkcode css} tagged template literal.\n *\n * This is unsafe because untrusted CSS text can be used to phone home\n * or exfiltrate data to an attacker controlled site. Take care to only use\n * this with trusted input.\n */\nexport const unsafeCSS = (value: unknown) =>\n new (CSSResult as ConstructableCSSResult)(\n typeof value === 'string' ? value : String(value),\n undefined,\n constructionToken\n );\n\n/**\n * A template literal tag which can be used with LitElement's\n * {@linkcode LitElement.styles} property to set element styles.\n *\n * For security reasons, only literal string values and number may be used in\n * embedded expressions. To incorporate non-literal values {@linkcode unsafeCSS}\n * may be used inside an expression.\n */\nexport const css = (\n strings: TemplateStringsArray,\n ...values: (CSSResultGroup | number)[]\n): CSSResult => {\n const cssText =\n strings.length === 1\n ? strings[0]\n : values.reduce(\n (acc, v, idx) => acc + textFromCSSResult(v) + strings[idx + 1],\n strings[0]\n );\n return new (CSSResult as ConstructableCSSResult)(\n cssText,\n strings,\n constructionToken\n );\n};\n\n/**\n * Applies the given styles to a `shadowRoot`. When Shadow DOM is\n * available but `adoptedStyleSheets` is not, styles are appended to the\n * `shadowRoot` to [mimic spec behavior](https://wicg.github.io/construct-stylesheets/#using-constructed-stylesheets).\n * Note, when shimming is used, any styles that are subsequently placed into\n * the shadowRoot should be placed *before* any shimmed adopted styles. This\n * will match spec behavior that gives adopted sheets precedence over styles in\n * shadowRoot.\n */\nexport const adoptStyles = (\n renderRoot: ShadowRoot,\n styles: Array<CSSResultOrNative>\n) => {\n if (supportsAdoptingStyleSheets) {\n (renderRoot as ShadowRoot).adoptedStyleSheets = styles.map((s) =>\n s instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? s : s.styleSheet!\n );\n } else {\n styles.forEach((s) => {\n const style = document.createElement('style');\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n const nonce = (global as any)['litNonce'];\n if (nonce !== undefined) {\n style.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);\n }\n style.textContent = (s as CSSResult).cssText;\n renderRoot.appendChild(style);\n });\n }\n};\n\nconst cssResultFromStyleSheet = (sheet: CSSStyleSheet) => {\n let cssText = '';\n for (const rule of sheet.cssRules) {\n cssText += rule.cssText;\n }\n return unsafeCSS(cssText);\n};\n\nexport const getCompatibleStyle =\n supportsAdoptingStyleSheets ||\n (NODE_MODE && global.CSSStyleSheet === undefined)\n ? (s: CSSResultOrNative) => s\n : (s: CSSResultOrNative) =>\n s instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? cssResultFromStyleSheet(s) : s;\n"],"names":["global","window","supportsAdoptingStyleSheets","ShadowRoot","undefined","ShadyCSS","nativeShadow","Document","prototype","CSSStyleSheet","constructionToken","Symbol","cssTagCache","WeakMap","CSSResult","constructor","cssText","strings","safeToken","this","Error","_strings","styleSheet","_styleSheet","cacheable","length","get","replaceSync","set","toString","unsafeCSS","value","String","css","values","reduce","acc","v","idx","textFromCSSResult","adoptStyles","renderRoot","styles","adoptedStyleSheets","map","s","forEach","style","document","createElement","nonce","setAttribute","textContent","appendChild","getCompatibleStyle","sheet","rule","cssRules","cssResultFromStyleSheet"],"mappings":";;;;;AAMA,MACMA,EAAkCC,OAK3BC,EACXF,EAAOG,kBACcC,IAApBJ,EAAOK,UAA0BL,EAAOK,SAASC,eAClD,uBAAwBC,SAASC,WACjC,YAAaC,cAAcD,UAkBvBE,EAAoBC,SAEpBC,EAAc,IAAIC,cASXC,EAOXC,YACEC,EACAC,EACAC,GAEA,GAVFC,KAAe,cAAI,EAUbD,IAAcR,EAChB,MAAUU,MACR,qEAGJD,KAAKH,QAAUA,EACfG,KAAKE,EAAWJ,CACjB,CAIGK,iBAGF,IAAIA,EAAaH,KAAKI,EACtB,MAAMN,EAAUE,KAAKE,EACrB,GAAInB,QAA8CE,IAAfkB,EAA0B,CAC3D,MAAME,OAAwBpB,IAAZa,GAA4C,IAAnBA,EAAQQ,OAC/CD,IACFF,EAAaV,EAAYc,IAAIT,SAEZb,IAAfkB,KACDH,KAAKI,EAAcD,EAAa,IAAIb,eAAiBkB,YACpDR,KAAKH,SAEHQ,GACFZ,EAAYgB,IAAIX,EAASK,GAG9B,CACD,OAAOA,CACR,CAEDO,WACE,OAAOV,KAAKH,OACb,EAWH,MAsBac,EAAaC,GACxB,IAAKjB,EACc,iBAAViB,EAAqBA,EAAeA,EAAPC,QACpC5B,EACAM,GAWSuB,EAAM,CACjBhB,KACGiB,KAEH,MAAMlB,EACe,IAAnBC,EAAQQ,OACJR,EAAQ,GACRiB,EAAOC,QACL,CAACC,EAAKC,EAAGC,IAAQF,EA7CD,CAACL,IAEzB,IAA6C,IAAxCA,EAAkC,aACrC,OAAQA,EAAoBf,QACvB,GAAqB,iBAAVe,EAChB,OAAOA,EAEP,MAAUX,MACR,mEACKW,EADL,uFAIH,EAiC8BQ,CAAkBF,GAAKpB,EAAQqB,EAAM,IAC5DrB,EAAQ,IAEhB,OAAO,IAAKH,EACVE,EACAC,EACAP,EACD,EAYU8B,EAAc,CACzBC,EACAC,KAEIxC,EACDuC,EAA0BE,mBAAqBD,EAAOE,KAAKC,GAC1DA,aAAapC,cAAgBoC,EAAIA,EAAEvB,aAGrCoB,EAAOI,SAASD,IACd,MAAME,EAAQC,SAASC,cAAc,SAE/BC,EAASlD,EAAyB,cAC1BI,IAAV8C,GACFH,EAAMI,aAAa,QAASD,GAE9BH,EAAMK,YAAeP,EAAgB7B,QACrCyB,EAAWY,YAAYN,EAAM,GAEhC,EAWUO,EACXpD,EAEK2C,GAAyBA,EACzBA,GACCA,aAAapC,cAbW,CAAC8C,IAC/B,IAAIvC,EAAU,GACd,IAAK,MAAMwC,KAAQD,EAAME,SACvBzC,GAAWwC,EAAKxC,QAElB,OAAOc,EAAUd,EAAQ,EAQU0C,CAAwBb,GAAKA"}