'use strict'; const Transform = require('stream').Transform; const rs = require('replacestream'); const istextorbinary = require('istextorbinary'); const defaultOptions = { skipBinary: true } module.exports = function(search, _replacement, options = {}) { // merge options options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options } return new Transform({ objectMode: true, /** * transformation * @param {import("vinyl")} file * @param {BufferEncoding} enc * @param {(error?: Error | null, data?: any) => void} callback */ transform(file, enc, callback) { if (file.isNull()) { return callback(null, file); } let replacement = _replacement; if (typeof _replacement === 'function') { // Pass the vinyl file object as this.file replacement = _replacement.bind({ file: file }); } function doReplace() { if (file.isStream()) { file.contents = file.contents.pipe(rs(search, replacement)); return callback(null, file); } if (file.isBuffer()) { if (search instanceof RegExp) { file.contents = Buffer.from(String(file.contents).replace(search, replacement)); } else { const chunks = String(file.contents).split(search); let result; if (typeof replacement === 'function') { // Start with the first chunk already in the result // Replacements will be added thereafter // This is done to avoid checking the value of i in the loop result = [ chunks[0] ]; // The replacement function should be called once for each match for (let i = 1; i < chunks.length; i++) { // Add the replacement value result.push(replacement(search)); // Add the next chunk result.push(chunks[i]); } result = result.join(''); } else { result = chunks.join(replacement); } file.contents = Buffer.from(result); } return callback(null, file); } callback(null, file); } if (options.skipBinary) { if (!istextorbinary.isText(file.path, file.contents)) { callback(null, file); } else { doReplace(); } return; } doReplace(); } }); };