import htmlDecodeTree from "./generated/decode-data-html.js"; import xmlDecodeTree from "./generated/decode-data-xml.js"; import decodeCodePoint, { replaceCodePoint, fromCodePoint, } from "./decode_codepoint.js"; // Re-export for use by eg. htmlparser2 export { htmlDecodeTree, xmlDecodeTree, decodeCodePoint }; export { replaceCodePoint, fromCodePoint } from "./decode_codepoint.js"; var CharCodes; (function (CharCodes) { CharCodes[CharCodes["NUM"] = 35] = "NUM"; CharCodes[CharCodes["SEMI"] = 59] = "SEMI"; CharCodes[CharCodes["EQUALS"] = 61] = "EQUALS"; CharCodes[CharCodes["ZERO"] = 48] = "ZERO"; CharCodes[CharCodes["NINE"] = 57] = "NINE"; CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_A"] = 97] = "LOWER_A"; CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_F"] = 102] = "LOWER_F"; CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_X"] = 120] = "LOWER_X"; CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_Z"] = 122] = "LOWER_Z"; CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_A"] = 65] = "UPPER_A"; CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_F"] = 70] = "UPPER_F"; CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_Z"] = 90] = "UPPER_Z"; })(CharCodes || (CharCodes = {})); /** Bit that needs to be set to convert an upper case ASCII character to lower case */ const TO_LOWER_BIT = 0b100000; export var BinTrieFlags; (function (BinTrieFlags) { BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["VALUE_LENGTH"] = 49152] = "VALUE_LENGTH"; BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["BRANCH_LENGTH"] = 16256] = "BRANCH_LENGTH"; BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["JUMP_TABLE"] = 127] = "JUMP_TABLE"; })(BinTrieFlags || (BinTrieFlags = {})); function isNumber(code) { return code >= CharCodes.ZERO && code <= CharCodes.NINE; } function isHexadecimalCharacter(code) { return ((code >= CharCodes.UPPER_A && code <= CharCodes.UPPER_F) || (code >= CharCodes.LOWER_A && code <= CharCodes.LOWER_F)); } function isAsciiAlphaNumeric(code) { return ((code >= CharCodes.UPPER_A && code <= CharCodes.UPPER_Z) || (code >= CharCodes.LOWER_A && code <= CharCodes.LOWER_Z) || isNumber(code)); } /** * Checks if the given character is a valid end character for an entity in an attribute. * * Attribute values that aren't terminated properly aren't parsed, and shouldn't lead to a parser error. * See the example in */ function isEntityInAttributeInvalidEnd(code) { return code === CharCodes.EQUALS || isAsciiAlphaNumeric(code); } var EntityDecoderState; (function (EntityDecoderState) { EntityDecoderState[EntityDecoderState["EntityStart"] = 0] = "EntityStart"; EntityDecoderState[EntityDecoderState["NumericStart"] = 1] = "NumericStart"; EntityDecoderState[EntityDecoderState["NumericDecimal"] = 2] = "NumericDecimal"; EntityDecoderState[EntityDecoderState["NumericHex"] = 3] = "NumericHex"; EntityDecoderState[EntityDecoderState["NamedEntity"] = 4] = "NamedEntity"; })(EntityDecoderState || (EntityDecoderState = {})); export var DecodingMode; (function (DecodingMode) { /** Entities in text nodes that can end with any character. */ DecodingMode[DecodingMode["Legacy"] = 0] = "Legacy"; /** Only allow entities terminated with a semicolon. */ DecodingMode[DecodingMode["Strict"] = 1] = "Strict"; /** Entities in attributes have limitations on ending characters. */ DecodingMode[DecodingMode["Attribute"] = 2] = "Attribute"; })(DecodingMode || (DecodingMode = {})); /** * Token decoder with support of writing partial entities. */ export class EntityDecoder { constructor( /** The tree used to decode entities. */ decodeTree, /** * The function that is called when a codepoint is decoded. * * For multi-byte named entities, this will be called multiple times, * with the second codepoint, and the same `consumed` value. * * @param codepoint The decoded codepoint. * @param consumed The number of bytes consumed by the decoder. */ emitCodePoint, /** An object that is used to produce errors. */ errors) { this.decodeTree = decodeTree; this.emitCodePoint = emitCodePoint; this.errors = errors; /** The current state of the decoder. */ this.state = EntityDecoderState.EntityStart; /** Characters that were consumed while parsing an entity. */ this.consumed = 1; /** * The result of the entity. * * Either the result index of a numeric entity, or the codepoint of a * numeric entity. */ this.result = 0; /** The current index in the decode tree. */ this.treeIndex = 0; /** The number of characters that were consumed in excess. */ this.excess = 1; /** The mode in which the decoder is operating. */ this.decodeMode = DecodingMode.Strict; } /** Resets the instance to make it reusable. */ startEntity(decodeMode) { this.decodeMode = decodeMode; this.state = EntityDecoderState.EntityStart; this.result = 0; this.treeIndex = 0; this.excess = 1; this.consumed = 1; } /** * Write an entity to the decoder. This can be called multiple times with partial entities. * If the entity is incomplete, the decoder will return -1. * * Mirrors the implementation of `getDecoder`, but with the ability to stop decoding if the * entity is incomplete, and resume when the next string is written. * * @param string The string containing the entity (or a continuation of the entity). * @param offset The offset at which the entity begins. Should be 0 if this is not the first call. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed, or -1 if the entity is incomplete. */ write(str, offset) { switch (this.state) { case EntityDecoderState.EntityStart: { if (str.charCodeAt(offset) === CharCodes.NUM) { this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericStart; this.consumed += 1; return this.stateNumericStart(str, offset + 1); } this.state = EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity; return this.stateNamedEntity(str, offset); } case EntityDecoderState.NumericStart: { return this.stateNumericStart(str, offset); } case EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal: { return this.stateNumericDecimal(str, offset); } case EntityDecoderState.NumericHex: { return this.stateNumericHex(str, offset); } case EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity: { return this.stateNamedEntity(str, offset); } } } /** * Switches between the numeric decimal and hexadecimal states. * * Equivalent to the `Numeric character reference state` in the HTML spec. * * @param str The string containing the entity (or a continuation of the entity). * @param offset The current offset. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed, or -1 if the entity is incomplete. */ stateNumericStart(str, offset) { if (offset >= str.length) { return -1; } if ((str.charCodeAt(offset) | TO_LOWER_BIT) === CharCodes.LOWER_X) { this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericHex; this.consumed += 1; return this.stateNumericHex(str, offset + 1); } this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal; return this.stateNumericDecimal(str, offset); } addToNumericResult(str, start, end, base) { if (start !== end) { const digitCount = end - start; this.result = this.result * Math.pow(base, digitCount) + parseInt(str.substr(start, digitCount), base); this.consumed += digitCount; } } /** * Parses a hexadecimal numeric entity. * * Equivalent to the `Hexademical character reference state` in the HTML spec. * * @param str The string containing the entity (or a continuation of the entity). * @param offset The current offset. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed, or -1 if the entity is incomplete. */ stateNumericHex(str, offset) { const startIdx = offset; while (offset < str.length) { const char = str.charCodeAt(offset); if (isNumber(char) || isHexadecimalCharacter(char)) { offset += 1; } else { this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 16); return this.emitNumericEntity(char, 3); } } this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 16); return -1; } /** * Parses a decimal numeric entity. * * Equivalent to the `Decimal character reference state` in the HTML spec. * * @param str The string containing the entity (or a continuation of the entity). * @param offset The current offset. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed, or -1 if the entity is incomplete. */ stateNumericDecimal(str, offset) { const startIdx = offset; while (offset < str.length) { const char = str.charCodeAt(offset); if (isNumber(char)) { offset += 1; } else { this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 10); return this.emitNumericEntity(char, 2); } } this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 10); return -1; } /** * Validate and emit a numeric entity. * * Implements the logic from the `Hexademical character reference start * state` and `Numeric character reference end state` in the HTML spec. * * @param lastCp The last code point of the entity. Used to see if the * entity was terminated with a semicolon. * @param expectedLength The minimum number of characters that should be * consumed. Used to validate that at least one digit * was consumed. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed. */ emitNumericEntity(lastCp, expectedLength) { var _a; // Ensure we consumed at least one digit. if (this.consumed <= expectedLength) { (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed); return 0; } // Figure out if this is a legit end of the entity if (lastCp === CharCodes.SEMI) { this.consumed += 1; } else if (this.decodeMode === DecodingMode.Strict) { return 0; } this.emitCodePoint(replaceCodePoint(this.result), this.consumed); if (this.errors) { if (lastCp !== CharCodes.SEMI) { this.errors.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(); } this.errors.validateNumericCharacterReference(this.result); } return this.consumed; } /** * Parses a named entity. * * Equivalent to the `Named character reference state` in the HTML spec. * * @param str The string containing the entity (or a continuation of the entity). * @param offset The current offset. * @returns The number of characters that were consumed, or -1 if the entity is incomplete. */ stateNamedEntity(str, offset) { const { decodeTree } = this; let current = decodeTree[this.treeIndex]; // The mask is the number of bytes of the value, including the current byte. let valueLength = (current & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14; for (; offset < str.length; offset++, this.excess++) { const char = str.charCodeAt(offset); this.treeIndex = determineBranch(decodeTree, current, this.treeIndex + Math.max(1, valueLength), char); if (this.treeIndex < 0) { return this.result === 0 || // If we are parsing an attribute (this.decodeMode === DecodingMode.Attribute && // We shouldn't have consumed any characters after the entity, (valueLength === 0 || // And there should be no invalid characters. isEntityInAttributeInvalidEnd(char))) ? 0 : this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity(); } current = decodeTree[this.treeIndex]; valueLength = (current & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14; // If the branch is a value, store it and continue if (valueLength !== 0) { // If the entity is terminated by a semicolon, we are done. if (char === CharCodes.SEMI) { return this.emitNamedEntityData(this.treeIndex, valueLength, this.consumed + this.excess); } // If we encounter a non-terminated (legacy) entity while parsing strictly, then ignore it. if (this.decodeMode !== DecodingMode.Strict) { this.result = this.treeIndex; this.consumed += this.excess; this.excess = 0; } } } return -1; } /** * Emit a named entity that was not terminated with a semicolon. * * @returns The number of characters consumed. */ emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() { var _a; const { result, decodeTree } = this; const valueLength = (decodeTree[result] & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14; this.emitNamedEntityData(result, valueLength, this.consumed); (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(); return this.consumed; } /** * Emit a named entity. * * @param result The index of the entity in the decode tree. * @param valueLength The number of bytes in the entity. * @param consumed The number of characters consumed. * * @returns The number of characters consumed. */ emitNamedEntityData(result, valueLength, consumed) { const { decodeTree } = this; this.emitCodePoint(valueLength === 1 ? decodeTree[result] & ~BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH : decodeTree[result + 1], consumed); if (valueLength === 3) { // For multi-byte values, we need to emit the second byte. this.emitCodePoint(decodeTree[result + 2], consumed); } return consumed; } /** * Signal to the parser that the end of the input was reached. * * Remaining data will be emitted and relevant errors will be produced. * * @returns The number of characters consumed. */ end() { var _a; switch (this.state) { case EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity: { // Emit a named entity if we have one. return this.result !== 0 && (this.decodeMode !== DecodingMode.Attribute || this.result === this.treeIndex) ? this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() : 0; } // Otherwise, emit a numeric entity if we have one. case EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal: { return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 2); } case EntityDecoderState.NumericHex: { return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 3); } case EntityDecoderState.NumericStart: { (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed); return 0; } case EntityDecoderState.EntityStart: { // Return 0 if we have no entity. return 0; } } } } /** * Creates a function that decodes entities in a string. * * @param decodeTree The decode tree. * @returns A function that decodes entities in a string. */ function getDecoder(decodeTree) { let ret = ""; const decoder = new EntityDecoder(decodeTree, (str) => (ret += fromCodePoint(str))); return function decodeWithTrie(str, decodeMode) { let lastIndex = 0; let offset = 0; while ((offset = str.indexOf("&", offset)) >= 0) { ret += str.slice(lastIndex, offset); decoder.startEntity(decodeMode); const len = decoder.write(str, // Skip the "&" offset + 1); if (len < 0) { lastIndex = offset + decoder.end(); break; } lastIndex = offset + len; // If `len` is 0, skip the current `&` and continue. offset = len === 0 ? lastIndex + 1 : lastIndex; } const result = ret + str.slice(lastIndex); // Make sure we don't keep a reference to the final string. ret = ""; return result; }; } /** * Determines the branch of the current node that is taken given the current * character. This function is used to traverse the trie. * * @param decodeTree The trie. * @param current The current node. * @param nodeIdx The index right after the current node and its value. * @param char The current character. * @returns The index of the next node, or -1 if no branch is taken. */ export function determineBranch(decodeTree, current, nodeIdx, char) { const branchCount = (current & BinTrieFlags.BRANCH_LENGTH) >> 7; const jumpOffset = current & BinTrieFlags.JUMP_TABLE; // Case 1: Single branch encoded in jump offset if (branchCount === 0) { return jumpOffset !== 0 && char === jumpOffset ? nodeIdx : -1; } // Case 2: Multiple branches encoded in jump table if (jumpOffset) { const value = char - jumpOffset; return value < 0 || value >= branchCount ? -1 : decodeTree[nodeIdx + value] - 1; } // Case 3: Multiple branches encoded in dictionary // Binary search for the character. let lo = nodeIdx; let hi = lo + branchCount - 1; while (lo <= hi) { const mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1; const midVal = decodeTree[mid]; if (midVal < char) { lo = mid + 1; } else if (midVal > char) { hi = mid - 1; } else { return decodeTree[mid + branchCount]; } } return -1; } const htmlDecoder = getDecoder(htmlDecodeTree); const xmlDecoder = getDecoder(xmlDecodeTree); /** * Decodes an HTML string. * * @param str The string to decode. * @param mode The decoding mode. * @returns The decoded string. */ export function decodeHTML(str, mode = DecodingMode.Legacy) { return htmlDecoder(str, mode); } /** * Decodes an HTML string in an attribute. * * @param str The string to decode. * @returns The decoded string. */ export function decodeHTMLAttribute(str) { return htmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Attribute); } /** * Decodes an HTML string, requiring all entities to be terminated by a semicolon. * * @param str The string to decode. * @returns The decoded string. */ export function decodeHTMLStrict(str) { return htmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Strict); } /** * Decodes an XML string, requiring all entities to be terminated by a semicolon. * * @param str The string to decode. * @returns The decoded string. */ export function decodeXML(str) { return xmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Strict); } //#