"use strict"; exports.formatDistance = void 0; const formatDistanceLocale = { lessThanXSeconds: { one: { regular: "mniej niż sekunda", past: "mniej niż sekundę", future: "mniej niż sekundę", }, twoFour: "mniej niż {{count}} sekundy", other: "mniej niż {{count}} sekund", }, xSeconds: { one: { regular: "sekunda", past: "sekundę", future: "sekundę", }, twoFour: "{{count}} sekundy", other: "{{count}} sekund", }, halfAMinute: { one: "pół minuty", twoFour: "pół minuty", other: "pół minuty", }, lessThanXMinutes: { one: { regular: "mniej niż minuta", past: "mniej niż minutę", future: "mniej niż minutę", }, twoFour: "mniej niż {{count}} minuty", other: "mniej niż {{count}} minut", }, xMinutes: { one: { regular: "minuta", past: "minutę", future: "minutę", }, twoFour: "{{count}} minuty", other: "{{count}} minut", }, aboutXHours: { one: { regular: "około godziny", past: "około godziny", future: "około godzinę", }, twoFour: "około {{count}} godziny", other: "około {{count}} godzin", }, xHours: { one: { regular: "godzina", past: "godzinę", future: "godzinę", }, twoFour: "{{count}} godziny", other: "{{count}} godzin", }, xDays: { one: { regular: "dzień", past: "dzień", future: "1 dzień", }, twoFour: "{{count}} dni", other: "{{count}} dni", }, aboutXWeeks: { one: "około tygodnia", twoFour: "około {{count}} tygodni", other: "około {{count}} tygodni", }, xWeeks: { one: "tydzień", twoFour: "{{count}} tygodnie", other: "{{count}} tygodni", }, aboutXMonths: { one: "około miesiąc", twoFour: "około {{count}} miesiące", other: "około {{count}} miesięcy", }, xMonths: { one: "miesiąc", twoFour: "{{count}} miesiące", other: "{{count}} miesięcy", }, aboutXYears: { one: "około rok", twoFour: "około {{count}} lata", other: "około {{count}} lat", }, xYears: { one: "rok", twoFour: "{{count}} lata", other: "{{count}} lat", }, overXYears: { one: "ponad rok", twoFour: "ponad {{count}} lata", other: "ponad {{count}} lat", }, almostXYears: { one: "prawie rok", twoFour: "prawie {{count}} lata", other: "prawie {{count}} lat", }, }; function declensionGroup(scheme, count) { if (count === 1) { return scheme.one; } const rem100 = count % 100; // ends with 11-20 if (rem100 <= 20 && rem100 > 10) { return scheme.other; } const rem10 = rem100 % 10; // ends with 2, 3, 4 if (rem10 >= 2 && rem10 <= 4) { return scheme.twoFour; } return scheme.other; } function declension(scheme, count, time) { const group = declensionGroup(scheme, count); const finalText = typeof group === "string" ? group : group[time]; return finalText.replace("{{count}}", String(count)); } const formatDistance = (token, count, options) => { const scheme = formatDistanceLocale[token]; if (!options?.addSuffix) { return declension(scheme, count, "regular"); } if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { return "za " + declension(scheme, count, "future"); } else { return declension(scheme, count, "past") + " temu"; } }; exports.formatDistance = formatDistance;