import { buildLocalizeFn } from "../../_lib/buildLocalizeFn.mjs"; const eraValues = { narrow: ["ق", "ب"], abbreviated: ["ق.م.", "ب.م."], wide: ["قبل از میلاد", "بعد از میلاد"], }; const quarterValues = { narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], abbreviated: ["س‌م1", "س‌م2", "س‌م3", "س‌م4"], wide: ["سه‌ماهه 1", "سه‌ماهه 2", "سه‌ماهه 3", "سه‌ماهه 4"], }; // Note: in English, the names of days of the week and months are capitalized. // If you are making a new locale based on this one, check if the same is true for the language you're working on. // Generally, formatted dates should look like they are in the middle of a sentence, // e.g. in Spanish language the weekdays and months should be in the lowercase. const monthValues = { narrow: ["ژ", "ف", "م", "آ", "م", "ج", "ج", "آ", "س", "ا", "ن", "د"], abbreviated: [ "ژانـ", "فور", "مارس", "آپر", "می", "جون", "جولـ", "آگو", "سپتـ", "اکتـ", "نوامـ", "دسامـ", ], wide: [ "ژانویه", "فوریه", "مارس", "آپریل", "می", "جون", "جولای", "آگوست", "سپتامبر", "اکتبر", "نوامبر", "دسامبر", ], }; const dayValues = { narrow: ["ی", "د", "س", "چ", "پ", "ج", "ش"], short: ["1ش", "2ش", "3ش", "4ش", "5ش", "ج", "ش"], abbreviated: [ "یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه‌شنبه", "چهارشنبه", "پنجشنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه", ], wide: ["یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه‌شنبه", "چهارشنبه", "پنجشنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه"], }; const dayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "ق", pm: "ب", midnight: "ن", noon: "ظ", morning: "ص", afternoon: "ب.ظ.", evening: "ع", night: "ش", }, abbreviated: { am: "ق.ظ.", pm: "ب.ظ.", midnight: "نیمه‌شب", noon: "ظهر", morning: "صبح", afternoon: "بعدازظهر", evening: "عصر", night: "شب", }, wide: { am: "قبل‌ازظهر", pm: "بعدازظهر", midnight: "نیمه‌شب", noon: "ظهر", morning: "صبح", afternoon: "بعدازظهر", evening: "عصر", night: "شب", }, }; const formattingDayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "ق", pm: "ب", midnight: "ن", noon: "ظ", morning: "ص", afternoon: "ب.ظ.", evening: "ع", night: "ش", }, abbreviated: { am: "ق.ظ.", pm: "ب.ظ.", midnight: "نیمه‌شب", noon: "ظهر", morning: "صبح", afternoon: "بعدازظهر", evening: "عصر", night: "شب", }, wide: { am: "قبل‌ازظهر", pm: "بعدازظهر", midnight: "نیمه‌شب", noon: "ظهر", morning: "صبح", afternoon: "بعدازظهر", evening: "عصر", night: "شب", }, }; const ordinalNumber = (dirtyNumber, _options) => { return String(dirtyNumber); }; export const localize = { ordinalNumber, era: buildLocalizeFn({ values: eraValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ values: quarterValues, defaultWidth: "wide", argumentCallback: (quarter) => quarter - 1, }), month: buildLocalizeFn({ values: monthValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), day: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayPeriodValues, defaultWidth: "wide", formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues, defaultFormattingWidth: "wide", }), };