/** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /// import type { Directive } from './directive.js'; /** * Contains types that are part of the unstable debug API. * * Everything in this API is not stable and may change or be removed in the future, * even on patch releases. */ export declare namespace LitUnstable { /** * When Lit is running in dev mode and `window.emitLitDebugLogEvents` is true, * we will emit 'lit-debug' events to window, with live details about the update and render * lifecycle. These can be useful for writing debug tooling and visualizations. * * Please be aware that running with window.emitLitDebugLogEvents has performance overhead, * making certain operations that are normally very cheap (like a no-op render) much slower, * because we must copy data and dispatch events. */ namespace DebugLog { type Entry = TemplatePrep | TemplateInstantiated | TemplateInstantiatedAndUpdated | TemplateUpdating | BeginRender | EndRender | CommitPartEntry | SetPartValue; interface TemplatePrep { kind: 'template prep'; template: Template; strings: TemplateStringsArray; clonableTemplate: HTMLTemplateElement; parts: TemplatePart[]; } interface BeginRender { kind: 'begin render'; id: number; value: unknown; container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment; options: RenderOptions | undefined; part: ChildPart | undefined; } interface EndRender { kind: 'end render'; id: number; value: unknown; container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment; options: RenderOptions | undefined; part: ChildPart; } interface TemplateInstantiated { kind: 'template instantiated'; template: Template | CompiledTemplate; instance: TemplateInstance; options: RenderOptions | undefined; fragment: Node; parts: Array; values: unknown[]; } interface TemplateInstantiatedAndUpdated { kind: 'template instantiated and updated'; template: Template | CompiledTemplate; instance: TemplateInstance; options: RenderOptions | undefined; fragment: Node; parts: Array; values: unknown[]; } interface TemplateUpdating { kind: 'template updating'; template: Template | CompiledTemplate; instance: TemplateInstance; options: RenderOptions | undefined; parts: Array; values: unknown[]; } interface SetPartValue { kind: 'set part'; part: Part; value: unknown; valueIndex: number; values: unknown[]; templateInstance: TemplateInstance; } type CommitPartEntry = CommitNothingToChildEntry | CommitText | CommitNode | CommitAttribute | CommitProperty | CommitBooleanAttribute | CommitEventListener | CommitToElementBinding; interface CommitNothingToChildEntry { kind: 'commit nothing to child'; start: ChildNode; end: ChildNode | null; parent: Disconnectable | undefined; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitText { kind: 'commit text'; node: Text; value: unknown; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitNode { kind: 'commit node'; start: Node; parent: Disconnectable | undefined; value: Node; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitAttribute { kind: 'commit attribute'; element: Element; name: string; value: unknown; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitProperty { kind: 'commit property'; element: Element; name: string; value: unknown; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitBooleanAttribute { kind: 'commit boolean attribute'; element: Element; name: string; value: boolean; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } interface CommitEventListener { kind: 'commit event listener'; element: Element; name: string; value: unknown; oldListener: unknown; options: RenderOptions | undefined; removeListener: boolean; addListener: boolean; } interface CommitToElementBinding { kind: 'commit to element binding'; element: Element; value: unknown; options: RenderOptions | undefined; } } } /** * Used to sanitize any value before it is written into the DOM. This can be * used to implement a security policy of allowed and disallowed values in * order to prevent XSS attacks. * * One way of using this callback would be to check attributes and properties * against a list of high risk fields, and require that values written to such * fields be instances of a class which is safe by construction. Closure's Safe * HTML Types is one implementation of this technique ( * https://github.com/google/safe-html-types/blob/master/doc/safehtml-types.md). * The TrustedTypes polyfill in API-only mode could also be used as a basis * for this technique (https://github.com/WICG/trusted-types). * * @param node The HTML node (usually either a #text node or an Element) that * is being written to. Note that this is just an exemplar node, the write * may take place against another instance of the same class of node. * @param name The name of an attribute or property (for example, 'href'). * @param type Indicates whether the write that's about to be performed will * be to a property or a node. * @return A function that will sanitize this class of writes. */ export declare type SanitizerFactory = (node: Node, name: string, type: 'property' | 'attribute') => ValueSanitizer; /** * A function which can sanitize values that will be written to a specific kind * of DOM sink. * * See SanitizerFactory. * * @param value The value to sanitize. Will be the actual value passed into * the lit-html template literal, so this could be of any type. * @return The value to write to the DOM. Usually the same as the input value, * unless sanitization is needed. */ export declare type ValueSanitizer = (value: unknown) => unknown; /** TemplateResult types */ declare const HTML_RESULT = 1; declare const SVG_RESULT = 2; declare type ResultType = typeof HTML_RESULT | typeof SVG_RESULT; declare const ATTRIBUTE_PART = 1; declare const CHILD_PART = 2; declare const ELEMENT_PART = 6; declare const COMMENT_PART = 7; /** * The return type of the template tag functions, {@linkcode html} and * {@linkcode svg}. * * A `TemplateResult` object holds all the information about a template * expression required to render it: the template strings, expression values, * and type of template (html or svg). * * `TemplateResult` objects do not create any DOM on their own. To create or * update DOM you need to render the `TemplateResult`. See * [Rendering](https://lit.dev/docs/components/rendering) for more information. * */ export declare type TemplateResult = { ['_$litType$']: T; strings: TemplateStringsArray; values: unknown[]; }; export declare type HTMLTemplateResult = TemplateResult; export declare type SVGTemplateResult = TemplateResult; export interface CompiledTemplateResult { ['_$litType$']: CompiledTemplate; values: unknown[]; } export interface CompiledTemplate extends Omit { el?: HTMLTemplateElement; h: TemplateStringsArray; } /** * Interprets a template literal as an HTML template that can efficiently * render to and update a container. * * ```ts * const header = (title: string) => html`


`; * ``` * * The `html` tag returns a description of the DOM to render as a value. It is * lazy, meaning no work is done until the template is rendered. When rendering, * if a template comes from the same expression as a previously rendered result, * it's efficiently updated instead of replaced. */ export declare const html: (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: unknown[]) => TemplateResult<1>; /** * Interprets a template literal as an SVG fragment that can efficiently * render to and update a container. * * ```ts * const rect = svg``; * * const myImage = html` * * ${rect} * `; * ``` * * The `svg` *tag function* should only be used for SVG fragments, or elements * that would be contained **inside** an `` HTML element. A common error is * placing an `` *element* in a template tagged with the `svg` tag * function. The `` element is an HTML element and should be used within a * template tagged with the {@linkcode html} tag function. * * In LitElement usage, it's invalid to return an SVG fragment from the * `render()` method, as the SVG fragment will be contained within the element's * shadow root and thus cannot be used within an `` HTML element. */ export declare const svg: (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: unknown[]) => TemplateResult<2>; /** * A sentinel value that signals that a value was handled by a directive and * should not be written to the DOM. */ export declare const noChange: unique symbol; /** * A sentinel value that signals a ChildPart to fully clear its content. * * ```ts * const button = html`${ * user.isAdmin * ? html`` * : nothing * }`; * ``` * * Prefer using `nothing` over other falsy values as it provides a consistent * behavior between various expression binding contexts. * * In child expressions, `undefined`, `null`, `''`, and `nothing` all behave the * same and render no nodes. In attribute expressions, `nothing` _removes_ the * attribute, while `undefined` and `null` will render an empty string. In * property expressions `nothing` becomes `undefined`. */ export declare const nothing: unique symbol; /** * Object specifying options for controlling lit-html rendering. Note that * while `render` may be called multiple times on the same `container` (and * `renderBefore` reference node) to efficiently update the rendered content, * only the options passed in during the first render are respected during * the lifetime of renders to that unique `container` + `renderBefore` * combination. */ export interface RenderOptions { /** * An object to use as the `this` value for event listeners. It's often * useful to set this to the host component rendering a template. */ host?: object; /** * A DOM node before which to render content in the container. */ renderBefore?: ChildNode | null; /** * Node used for cloning the template (`importNode` will be called on this * node). This controls the `ownerDocument` of the rendered DOM, along with * any inherited context. Defaults to the global `document`. */ creationScope?: { importNode(node: Node, deep?: boolean): Node; }; /** * The initial connected state for the top-level part being rendered. If no * `isConnected` option is set, `AsyncDirective`s will be connected by * default. Set to `false` if the initial render occurs in a disconnected tree * and `AsyncDirective`s should see `isConnected === false` for their initial * render. The `part.setConnected()` method must be used subsequent to initial * render to change the connected state of the part. */ isConnected?: boolean; } export interface DirectiveParent { _$parent?: DirectiveParent; _$isConnected: boolean; __directive?: Directive; __directives?: Array; } declare class Template { parts: Array; constructor({ strings, ['_$litType$']: type }: TemplateResult, options?: RenderOptions); /** @nocollapse */ static createElement(html: TrustedHTML, _options?: RenderOptions): HTMLTemplateElement; } export interface Disconnectable { _$parent?: Disconnectable; _$disconnectableChildren?: Set; _$isConnected: boolean; } declare function resolveDirective(part: ChildPart | AttributePart | ElementPart, value: unknown, parent?: DirectiveParent, attributeIndex?: number): unknown; export type { TemplateInstance }; /** * An updateable instance of a Template. Holds references to the Parts used to * update the template instance. */ declare class TemplateInstance implements Disconnectable { _$template: Template; _$parts: Array; constructor(template: Template, parent: ChildPart); get parentNode(): Node; get _$isConnected(): boolean; _clone(options: RenderOptions | undefined): Node; _update(values: Array): void; } declare type AttributeTemplatePart = { readonly type: typeof ATTRIBUTE_PART; readonly index: number; readonly name: string; readonly ctor: typeof AttributePart; readonly strings: ReadonlyArray; }; declare type ChildTemplatePart = { readonly type: typeof CHILD_PART; readonly index: number; }; declare type ElementTemplatePart = { readonly type: typeof ELEMENT_PART; readonly index: number; }; declare type CommentTemplatePart = { readonly type: typeof COMMENT_PART; readonly index: number; }; /** * A TemplatePart represents a dynamic part in a template, before the template * is instantiated. When a template is instantiated Parts are created from * TemplateParts. */ declare type TemplatePart = ChildTemplatePart | AttributeTemplatePart | ElementTemplatePart | CommentTemplatePart; export declare type Part = ChildPart | AttributePart | PropertyPart | BooleanAttributePart | ElementPart | EventPart; export type { ChildPart }; declare class ChildPart implements Disconnectable { readonly type = 2; readonly options: RenderOptions | undefined; _$committedValue: unknown; private _textSanitizer; get _$isConnected(): boolean; constructor(startNode: ChildNode, endNode: ChildNode | null, parent: TemplateInstance | ChildPart | undefined, options: RenderOptions | undefined); /** * The parent node into which the part renders its content. * * A ChildPart's content consists of a range of adjacent child nodes of * `.parentNode`, possibly bordered by 'marker nodes' (`.startNode` and * `.endNode`). * * - If both `.startNode` and `.endNode` are non-null, then the part's content * consists of all siblings between `.startNode` and `.endNode`, exclusively. * * - If `.startNode` is non-null but `.endNode` is null, then the part's * content consists of all siblings following `.startNode`, up to and * including the last child of `.parentNode`. If `.endNode` is non-null, then * `.startNode` will always be non-null. * * - If both `.endNode` and `.startNode` are null, then the part's content * consists of all child nodes of `.parentNode`. */ get parentNode(): Node; /** * The part's leading marker node, if any. See `.parentNode` for more * information. */ get startNode(): Node | null; /** * The part's trailing marker node, if any. See `.parentNode` for more * information. */ get endNode(): Node | null; _$setValue(value: unknown, directiveParent?: DirectiveParent): void; private _insert; private _commitNode; private _commitText; private _commitTemplateResult; private _commitIterable; } /** * A top-level `ChildPart` returned from `render` that manages the connected * state of `AsyncDirective`s created throughout the tree below it. */ export interface RootPart extends ChildPart { /** * Sets the connection state for `AsyncDirective`s contained within this root * ChildPart. * * lit-html does not automatically monitor the connectedness of DOM rendered; * as such, it is the responsibility of the caller to `render` to ensure that * `part.setConnected(false)` is called before the part object is potentially * discarded, to ensure that `AsyncDirective`s have a chance to dispose of * any resources being held. If a `RootPart` that was previously * disconnected is subsequently re-connected (and its `AsyncDirective`s should * re-connect), `setConnected(true)` should be called. * * @param isConnected Whether directives within this tree should be connected * or not */ setConnected(isConnected: boolean): void; } export type { AttributePart }; declare class AttributePart implements Disconnectable { readonly type: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5; readonly element: HTMLElement; readonly name: string; readonly options: RenderOptions | undefined; /** * If this attribute part represents an interpolation, this contains the * static strings of the interpolation. For single-value, complete bindings, * this is undefined. */ readonly strings?: ReadonlyArray; protected _sanitizer: ValueSanitizer | undefined; get tagName(): string; get _$isConnected(): boolean; constructor(element: HTMLElement, name: string, strings: ReadonlyArray, parent: Disconnectable, options: RenderOptions | undefined); } export type { PropertyPart }; declare class PropertyPart extends AttributePart { readonly type = 3; } export type { BooleanAttributePart }; declare class BooleanAttributePart extends AttributePart { readonly type = 4; } /** * An AttributePart that manages an event listener via add/removeEventListener. * * This part works by adding itself as the event listener on an element, then * delegating to the value passed to it. This reduces the number of calls to * add/removeEventListener if the listener changes frequently, such as when an * inline function is used as a listener. * * Because event options are passed when adding listeners, we must take case * to add and remove the part as a listener when the event options change. */ export type { EventPart }; declare class EventPart extends AttributePart { readonly type = 5; constructor(element: HTMLElement, name: string, strings: ReadonlyArray, parent: Disconnectable, options: RenderOptions | undefined); handleEvent(event: Event): void; } export type { ElementPart }; declare class ElementPart implements Disconnectable { element: Element; readonly type = 6; _$committedValue: undefined; options: RenderOptions | undefined; constructor(element: Element, parent: Disconnectable, options: RenderOptions | undefined); get _$isConnected(): boolean; _$setValue(value: unknown): void; } /** * END USERS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS OBJECT. * * Private exports for use by other Lit packages, not intended for use by * external users. * * We currently do not make a mangled rollup build of the lit-ssr code. In order * to keep a number of (otherwise private) top-level exports mangled in the * client side code, we export a _$LH object containing those members (or * helper methods for accessing private fields of those members), and then * re-export them for use in lit-ssr. This keeps lit-ssr agnostic to whether the * client-side code is being used in `dev` mode or `prod` mode. * * This has a unique name, to disambiguate it from private exports in * lit-element, which re-exports all of lit-html. * * @private */ export declare const _$LH: { _boundAttributeSuffix: string; _marker: string; _markerMatch: string; _HTML_RESULT: number; _getTemplateHtml: (strings: TemplateStringsArray, type: ResultType) => [TrustedHTML, Array]; _TemplateInstance: typeof TemplateInstance; _isIterable: (value: unknown) => value is Iterable; _resolveDirective: typeof resolveDirective; _ChildPart: typeof ChildPart; _AttributePart: typeof AttributePart; _BooleanAttributePart: typeof BooleanAttributePart; _EventPart: typeof EventPart; _PropertyPart: typeof PropertyPart; _ElementPart: typeof ElementPart; }; /** * Renders a value, usually a lit-html TemplateResult, to the container. * * This example renders the text "Hello, Zoe!" inside a paragraph tag, appending * it to the container `document.body`. * * ```js * import {html, render} from 'lit'; * * const name = "Zoe"; * render(html`

Hello, ${name}!

`, document.body); * ``` * * @param value Any [renderable * value](https://lit.dev/docs/templates/expressions/#child-expressions), * typically a {@linkcode TemplateResult} created by evaluating a template tag * like {@linkcode html} or {@linkcode svg}. * @param container A DOM container to render to. The first render will append * the rendered value to the container, and subsequent renders will * efficiently update the rendered value if the same result type was * previously rendered there. * @param options See {@linkcode RenderOptions} for options documentation. * @see * {@link https://lit.dev/docs/libraries/standalone-templates/#rendering-lit-html-templates| Rendering Lit HTML Templates} */ export declare const render: { (value: unknown, container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, options?: RenderOptions): RootPart; setSanitizer: (newSanitizer: SanitizerFactory) => void; createSanitizer: SanitizerFactory; _testOnlyClearSanitizerFactoryDoNotCallOrElse: () => void; }; //# sourceMappingURL=lit-html.d.ts.map