"use strict"; exports.interval = interval; var _index = require("./toDate.js"); /** * The {@link interval} function options. */ /** * @name interval * @category Interval Helpers * @summary Creates an interval object and validates its values. * * @description * Creates a normalized interval object and validates its values. If the interval is invalid, an exception is thrown. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/utc). * * @param start - The start of the interval. * @param end - The end of the interval. * @param options - The options object. * * @throws `Start date is invalid` when `start` is invalid. * @throws `End date is invalid` when `end` is invalid. * @throws `End date must be after start date` when end is before `start` and `options.assertPositive` is true. * * @returns The normalized and validated interval object. */ function interval(start, end, options) { const _start = (0, _index.toDate)(start); if (isNaN(+_start)) throw new TypeError("Start date is invalid"); const _end = (0, _index.toDate)(end); if (isNaN(+_end)) throw new TypeError("End date is invalid"); if (options?.assertPositive && +_start > +_end) throw new TypeError("End date must be after start date"); return { start: _start, end: _end }; }