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2024-05-14 14:54:12 +00:00
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<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="./logo-dark.svg" alt="Lit" width="300" height="141">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="./logo.svg" alt="Lit" width="300" height="141">
<img src="./logo.svg" alt="Lit" width="300" height="141">
### Simple. Fast. Web Components.
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Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
At Lit's core is a boilerplate-killing component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that's tiny, fast and expressive.
## Documentation
See the full documentation for Lit at [lit.dev](https://lit.dev)
## About this release
This is a stable release of Lit 2.0. If upgrading from previous versions of `lit-element` or `lit-html`, please see the [Upgrade Guide](https://lit.dev/docs/releases/upgrade/) for a step-by-step guide on upgrading.
## Overview
Lit provides developers with just the right tools to build fast web components:
- A fast declarative HTML template system
- Reactive property declarations
- A customizable reactive update lifecycle
- Easy to use scoped CSS styling
Lit builds on top of standard web components, and makes them easier to write:
import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js';
// Registers the element
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
// Styles are applied to the shadow root and scoped to this element
static styles = css`
span {
color: green;
// Creates a reactive property that triggers rendering
mood = 'great';
// Render the component's DOM by returning a Lit template
render() {
return html`Web Components are <span>${this.mood}</span>!`;
Once you've defined your component, you can use it anywhere you use HTML:
<my-element mood="awesome"></my-element>
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md).