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2024-05-14 14:54:12 +00:00
{"version":3,"file":"lit-html.js","sources":["src/lit-html.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\n// IMPORTANT: these imports must be type-only\nimport type {Directive, DirectiveResult, PartInfo} from './directive.js';\n\nconst DEV_MODE = true;\nconst ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS = true;\nconst ENABLE_SHADYDOM_NOPATCH = true;\nconst NODE_MODE = false;\n// Use window for browser builds because IE11 doesn't have globalThis.\nconst global = NODE_MODE ? globalThis : window;\n\n/**\n * Contains types that are part of the unstable debug API.\n *\n * Everything in this API is not stable and may change or be removed in the future,\n * even on patch releases.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace\nexport namespace LitUnstable {\n /**\n * When Lit is running in dev mode and `window.emitLitDebugLogEvents` is true,\n * we will emit 'lit-debug' events to window, with live details about the update and render\n * lifecycle. These can be useful for writing debug tooling and visualizations.\n *\n * Please be aware that running with window.emitLitDebugLogEvents has performance overhead,\n * making certain operations that are normally very cheap (like a no-op render) much slower,\n * because we must copy data and dispatch events.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace\n export namespace DebugLog {\n export type Entry =\n | TemplatePrep\n | TemplateInstantiated\n | TemplateInstantiatedAndUpdated\n | TemplateUpdating\n | BeginRender\n | EndRender\n | CommitPartEntry\n | SetPartValue;\n export interface TemplatePrep {\n kind: 'template prep';\n template: Template;\n strings: TemplateStringsArray;\n clonableTemplate: HTMLTemplateElement;\n parts: TemplatePart[];\n }\n export interface BeginRender {\n kind: 'begin render';\n id: number;\n value: unknown;\n container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n part: ChildPart | undefined;\n }\n export interface EndRender {\n kind: 'end render';\n id: number;\n value: unknown;\n container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n part: ChildPart;\n }\n export interface TemplateInstantiated {\n kind: 'template instantiated';\n template: Template | CompiledTemplate;\n instance: TemplateInstance;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n fragment: Node;\n parts: Array<Part | undefined>;\n values: unknown[];\n }\n export interface TemplateInstantiatedAndUpdated {\n kind: 'template instantiated and updated';\n template: Template | CompiledTemplate;\n instance: TemplateInstance;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n fragment: Node;\n parts: Array<Part | undefined>;\n values: unknown[];\n }\n export interface TemplateUpdating {\n kind: 'template updating';\n template: Template | CompiledTemplate;\n instance: TemplateInstance;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n parts: Array<Part | undefined>;\n values: unknown[];\n }\n export interface SetPartValue {\n kind: 'set part';\n part: Part;\n value: unknown;\n valueIndex: number;\n values: unknown[];\n templateInstance: TemplateInstance;\n }\n\n export type CommitPartEntry =\n | CommitNothingToChildEntry\n | CommitText\n | CommitNode\n | CommitAttribute\n | CommitProperty\n | CommitBooleanAttribute\n | CommitEventListener\n | CommitToElementBinding;\n\n export interface CommitNothingToChildEntry {\n kind: 'commit nothing to child';\n start: ChildNode;\n end: ChildNode | null;\n parent: Disconnectable | undefined;\n options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n }\n\n export interface CommitText {\n kind: 'commit text';\n node: Text;\n value: unknown;\n options: R