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2024-05-14 14:54:12 +00:00
# filesize.js
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filesize.js provides a simple way to get a human-readable file size string from a number (float or integer) or string.
import {filesize} from "filesize";
filesize(265318, {standard: "jedec"}); // "259.1 KB"
## Testing
filesize has 100% code coverage with its tests.
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 100 | 95.52 | 100 | 100 |
filesize.cjs | 100 | 95.52 | 100 | 100 | 77-78,173,196,199,210
## Optional settings
`filesize()` accepts an optional descriptor Object as a second argument, so you can customize the output.
### base
_*(number)*_ Number base, default is `10`
### bits
_*(boolean)*_ Enables `bit` sizes, default is `false`
### exponent
_*(number)*_ Specifies the symbol via exponent, e.g. `2` is `MB` for base 2, default is `-1`
### fullform
_*(boolean)*_ Enables full form of unit of measure, default is `false`
### fullforms
_*(array)*_ Array of full form overrides, default is `[]`
### locale (overrides 'separator')
_*(string || boolean)*_ BCP 47 language tag to specify a locale, or `true` to use default locale, default is `""`
### localeOptions (overrides 'separator', requires string for 'locale' option)
_*(object)*_ Dictionary of options defined by ECMA-402 ([Number.prototype.toLocaleString](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/toLocaleString)). Requires locale option to be explicitly passed as a string, otherwise is ignored.
### output
_*(string)*_ Output of function (`array`, `exponent`, `object`, or `string`), default is `string`
### pad
_*(boolean)*_ Decimal place end padding, default is `false`
### precision
_*(number)*_ Sets precision of numerical output, default is `0`
### round
_*(number)*_ Decimal place, default is `2`
### roundingMethod
_*(string)*_ Rounding method, can be `round`, `floor`, or `ceil`, default is `round`
### separator
_*(string)*_ Decimal separator character, default is `.`
### spacer
_*(string)*_ Character between the `result` and `symbol`, default is `" "`
### standard
_*(string)*_ Standard unit of measure, can be `iec`, `jedec`, or `si`. Default is `si` (base 10). The `si` option is an alias of `jedec`, such that it is not valid for other configuration options.
### symbols
_*(object)*_ Dictionary of IEC/JEDEC symbols to replace for localization, defaults to english if no match is found; SI is handled automatically with JEDEC values.
## Examples
filesize(500); // "500 B"
filesize(500, {bits: true}); // "4 kbit"
filesize(265318, {base: 2}); // "259.1 KiB"
filesize(265318); // "265.32 kB"
filesize(265318, {round: 0}); // "265 kB"
filesize(265318, {output: "array"}); // [265.32, "kB"]
filesize(265318, {output: "object"}); // {value: 265.32, symbol: "kB", exponent: 1, unit: "kB"}
filesize(1, {symbols: {B: "Б"}}); // "1 Б"
filesize(1024); // "1.02 kB"
filesize(1024, {exponent: 0}); // "1024 B"
filesize(1024, {output: "exponent"}); // 1
filesize(265318, {standard: "jedec"}); // "259.1 KB"
filesize(265318, {base: 2, fullform: true}); // "259.1 kibibytes"
filesize(12, {fullform: true, fullforms: ["байтов"]}); // "12 байтов"
filesize(265318, {separator: ","}); // "265,32 kB"
filesize(265318, {locale: "de"}); // "265,32 kB"
## Partial Application
`partial()` takes the second parameter of `filesize()` and returns a new function with the configuration applied
upon execution. This can be used to reduce `Object` creation if you call `filesize()` without caching the `descriptor`
in lexical scope.
import {partial} from "filesize";
const size = partial({standard: "jedec"});
size(265318); // "259.1 KB"
## License
Copyright (c) 2023 Jason Mulligan
Licensed under the BSD-3 license.