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2024-05-14 14:54:12 +00:00
"use strict";
exports.formatters = void 0;
var _index = require("../../getDayOfYear.js");
var _index2 = require("../../getISOWeek.js");
var _index3 = require("../../getISOWeekYear.js");
var _index4 = require("../../getWeek.js");
var _index5 = require("../../getWeekYear.js");
var _index6 = require("../addLeadingZeros.js");
var _index7 = require("./lightFormatters.js");
const dayPeriodEnum = {
am: "am",
pm: "pm",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "morning",
afternoon: "afternoon",
evening: "evening",
night: "night",
* | | Unit | | Unit |
* |-----|--------------------------------|-----|--------------------------------|
* | a | AM, PM | A* | Milliseconds in day |
* | b | AM, PM, noon, midnight | B | Flexible day period |
* | c | Stand-alone local day of week | C* | Localized hour w/ day period |
* | d | Day of month | D | Day of year |
* | e | Local day of week | E | Day of week |
* | f | | F* | Day of week in month |
* | g* | Modified Julian day | G | Era |
* | h | Hour [1-12] | H | Hour [0-23] |
* | i! | ISO day of week | I! | ISO week of year |
* | j* | Localized hour w/ day period | J* | Localized hour w/o day period |
* | k | Hour [1-24] | K | Hour [0-11] |
* | l* | (deprecated) | L | Stand-alone month |
* | m | Minute | M | Month |
* | n | | N | |
* | o! | Ordinal number modifier | O | Timezone (GMT) |
* | p! | Long localized time | P! | Long localized date |
* | q | Stand-alone quarter | Q | Quarter |
* | r* | Related Gregorian year | R! | ISO week-numbering year |
* | s | Second | S | Fraction of second |
* | t! | Seconds timestamp | T! | Milliseconds timestamp |
* | u | Extended year | U* | Cyclic year |
* | v* | Timezone (generic non-locat.) | V* | Timezone (location) |
* | w | Local week of year | W* | Week of month |
* | x | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z) | X | Timezone (ISO-8601) |
* | y | Year (abs) | Y | Local week-numbering year |
* | z | Timezone (specific non-locat.) | Z* | Timezone (aliases) |
* Letters marked by * are not implemented but reserved by Unicode standard.
* Letters marked by ! are non-standard, but implemented by date-fns:
* - `o` modifies the previous token to turn it into an ordinal (see `format` docs)
* - `i` is ISO day of week. For `i` and `ii` is returns numeric ISO week days,
* i.e. 7 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
* - `I` is ISO week of year, as opposed to `w` which is local week of year.
* - `R` is ISO week-numbering year, as opposed to `Y` which is local week-numbering year.
* `R` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `I` and `i`
* for universal ISO week-numbering date, whereas
* `Y` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `w` and `e`
* for week-numbering date specific to the locale.
* - `P` is long localized date format
* - `p` is long localized time format
const formatters = (exports.formatters = {
// Era
G: function (date, token, localize) {
const era = date.getFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
switch (token) {
// AD, BC
case "G":
case "GG":
case "GGG":
return localize.era(era, { width: "abbreviated" });
// A, B
case "GGGGG":
return localize.era(era, { width: "narrow" });
// Anno Domini, Before Christ
case "GGGG":
return localize.era(era, { width: "wide" });
// Year
y: function (date, token, localize) {
// Ordinal number
if (token === "yo") {
const signedYear = date.getFullYear();
// Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript)
const year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear;
return localize.ordinalNumber(year, { unit: "year" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.y(date, token);
// Local week-numbering year
Y: function (date, token, localize, options) {
const signedWeekYear = (0, _index5.getWeekYear)(date, options);
// Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript)
const weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear;
// Two digit year
if (token === "YY") {
const twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100;
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(twoDigitYear, 2);
// Ordinal number
if (token === "Yo") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { unit: "year" });
// Padding
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(weekYear, token.length);
// ISO week-numbering year
R: function (date, token) {
const isoWeekYear = (0, _index3.getISOWeekYear)(date);
// Padding
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(isoWeekYear, token.length);
// Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system.
// The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years:
// | Year | `y` | `u` |
// |------|-----|-----|
// | AC 1 | 1 | 1 |
// | BC 1 | 1 | 0 |
// | BC 2 | 2 | -1 |
// Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year,
// while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged.
u: function (date, token) {
const year = date.getFullYear();
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(year, token.length);
// Quarter
Q: function (date, token, localize) {
const quarter = Math.ceil((date.getMonth() + 1) / 3);
switch (token) {
// 1, 2, 3, 4
case "Q":
return String(quarter);
// 01, 02, 03, 04
case "QQ":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(quarter, 2);
// 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
case "Qo":
return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" });
// Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
case "QQQ":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
// 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical)
case "QQQQQ":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
// 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ...
case "QQQQ":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// Stand-alone quarter
q: function (date, token, localize) {
const quarter = Math.ceil((date.getMonth() + 1) / 3);
switch (token) {
// 1, 2, 3, 4
case "q":
return String(quarter);
// 01, 02, 03, 04
case "qq":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(quarter, 2);
// 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
case "qo":
return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" });
// Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
case "qqq":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone",
// 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical)
case "qqqqq":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone",
// 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ...
case "qqqq":
return localize.quarter(quarter, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone",
// Month
M: function (date, token, localize) {
const month = date.getMonth();
switch (token) {
case "M":
case "MM":
return _index7.lightFormatters.M(date, token);
// 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th
case "Mo":
return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" });
// Jan, Feb, ..., Dec
case "MMM":
return localize.month(month, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
// J, F, ..., D
case "MMMMM":
return localize.month(month, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
// January, February, ..., December
case "MMMM":
return localize.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" });
// Stand-alone month
L: function (date, token, localize) {
const month = date.getMonth();
switch (token) {
// 1, 2, ..., 12
case "L":
return String(month + 1);
// 01, 02, ..., 12
case "LL":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(month + 1, 2);
// 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th
case "Lo":
return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" });
// Jan, Feb, ..., Dec
case "LLL":
return localize.month(month, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone",
// J, F, ..., D
case "LLLLL":
return localize.month(month, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone",
// January, February, ..., December
case "LLLL":
return localize.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" });
// Local week of year
w: function (date, token, localize, options) {
const week = (0, _index4.getWeek)(date, options);
if (token === "wo") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(week, { unit: "week" });
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(week, token.length);
// ISO week of year
I: function (date, token, localize) {
const isoWeek = (0, _index2.getISOWeek)(date);
if (token === "Io") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { unit: "week" });
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(isoWeek, token.length);
// Day of the month
d: function (date, token, localize) {
if (token === "do") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getDate(), { unit: "date" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.d(date, token);
// Day of year
D: function (date, token, localize) {
const dayOfYear = (0, _index.getDayOfYear)(date);
if (token === "Do") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { unit: "dayOfYear" });
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(dayOfYear, token.length);
// Day of week
E: function (date, token, localize) {
const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
switch (token) {
// Tue
case "E":
case "EE":
case "EEE":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
// T
case "EEEEE":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
// Tu
case "EEEEEE":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
// Tuesday
case "EEEE":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// Local day of week
e: function (date, token, localize, options) {
const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
const localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;
switch (token) {
// Numerical value (Nth day of week with current locale or weekStartsOn)
case "e":
return String(localDayOfWeek);
// Padded numerical value
case "ee":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(localDayOfWeek, 2);
// 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th
case "eo":
return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" });
case "eee":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
// T
case "eeeee":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
// Tu
case "eeeeee":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
// Tuesday
case "eeee":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// Stand-alone local day of week
c: function (date, token, localize, options) {
const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
const localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;
switch (token) {
// Numerical value (same as in `e`)
case "c":
return String(localDayOfWeek);
// Padded numerical value
case "cc":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(localDayOfWeek, token.length);
// 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th
case "co":
return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" });
case "ccc":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone",
// T
case "ccccc":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone",
// Tu
case "cccccc":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "short",
context: "standalone",
// Tuesday
case "cccc":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone",
// ISO day of week
i: function (date, token, localize) {
const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
const isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek;
switch (token) {
// 2
case "i":
return String(isoDayOfWeek);
// 02
case "ii":
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(isoDayOfWeek, token.length);
// 2nd
case "io":
return localize.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" });
// Tue
case "iii":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
// T
case "iiiii":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
// Tu
case "iiiiii":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
// Tuesday
case "iiii":
return localize.day(dayOfWeek, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// AM or PM
a: function (date, token, localize) {
const hours = date.getHours();
const dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am";
switch (token) {
case "a":
case "aa":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
case "aaa":
return localize
.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
case "aaaaa":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "aaaa":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// AM, PM, midnight, noon
b: function (date, token, localize) {
const hours = date.getHours();
let dayPeriodEnumValue;
if (hours === 12) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon;
} else if (hours === 0) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight;
} else {
dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am";
switch (token) {
case "b":
case "bb":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
case "bbb":
return localize
.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
case "bbbbb":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "bbbb":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night
B: function (date, token, localize) {
const hours = date.getHours();
let dayPeriodEnumValue;
if (hours >= 17) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening;
} else if (hours >= 12) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon;
} else if (hours >= 4) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning;
} else {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night;
switch (token) {
case "B":
case "BB":
case "BBB":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
case "BBBBB":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "BBBB":
return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
// Hour [1-12]
h: function (date, token, localize) {
if (token === "ho") {
let hours = date.getHours() % 12;
if (hours === 0) hours = 12;
return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.h(date, token);
// Hour [0-23]
H: function (date, token, localize) {
if (token === "Ho") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getHours(), { unit: "hour" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.H(date, token);
// Hour [0-11]
K: function (date, token, localize) {
const hours = date.getHours() % 12;
if (token === "Ko") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" });
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(hours, token.length);
// Hour [1-24]
k: function (date, token, localize) {
let hours = date.getHours();
if (hours === 0) hours = 24;
if (token === "ko") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" });
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(hours, token.length);
// Minute
m: function (date, token, localize) {
if (token === "mo") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getMinutes(), { unit: "minute" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.m(date, token);
// Second
s: function (date, token, localize) {
if (token === "so") {
return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getSeconds(), { unit: "second" });
return _index7.lightFormatters.s(date, token);
// Fraction of second
S: function (date, token) {
return _index7.lightFormatters.S(date, token);
// Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`)
X: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
if (timezoneOffset === 0) {
return "Z";
switch (token) {
// Hours and optional minutes
case "X":
return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);
// Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter
// Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets
// so this token always has the same output as `XX`
case "XXXX":
case "XX": // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);
// Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter
// Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets
// so this token always has the same output as `XXX`
case "XXXXX":
case "XXX": // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent)
x: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
// Hours and optional minutes
case "x":
return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);
// Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter
// Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets
// so this token always has the same output as `xx`
case "xxxx":
case "xx": // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);
// Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter
// Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets
// so this token always has the same output as `xxx`
case "xxxxx":
case "xxx": // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Timezone (GMT)
O: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
// Short
case "O":
case "OO":
case "OOO":
return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Long
case "OOOO":
return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Timezone (specific non-location)
z: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
// Short
case "z":
case "zz":
case "zzz":
return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Long
case "zzzz":
return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
// Seconds timestamp
t: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timestamp = Math.trunc(date.getTime() / 1000);
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(timestamp, token.length);
// Milliseconds timestamp
T: function (date, token, _localize) {
const timestamp = date.getTime();
return (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(timestamp, token.length);
function formatTimezoneShort(offset, delimiter = "") {
const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+";
const absOffset = Math.abs(offset);
const hours = Math.trunc(absOffset / 60);
const minutes = absOffset % 60;
if (minutes === 0) {
return sign + String(hours);
return (
sign + String(hours) + delimiter + (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(minutes, 2)
function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, delimiter) {
if (offset % 60 === 0) {
const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+";
return sign + (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2);
return formatTimezone(offset, delimiter);
function formatTimezone(offset, delimiter = "") {
const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+";
const absOffset = Math.abs(offset);
const hours = (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(Math.trunc(absOffset / 60), 2);
const minutes = (0, _index6.addLeadingZeros)(absOffset % 60, 2);
return sign + hours + delimiter + minutes;