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2024-05-14 14:54:12 +00:00
* @license
* Copyright 2017 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
var _a, _b;
// Scopes that have had styling prepared. Note, must only be done once per
// scope.
var styledScopes = new Set();
// Map of css per scope. This is collected during first scope render, used when
// styling is prepared, and then discarded.
var scopeCssStore = new Map();
// Note, explicitly use `var` here so that this can be re-defined when
// bundled.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var DEV_MODE = true;
* lit-html patches. These properties cannot be renamed.
* * ChildPart.prototype._$getTemplate
* * ChildPart.prototype._$setValue
var polyfillSupport = function (Template, ChildPart) {
var _a, _b;
// polyfill-support is only needed if ShadyCSS or the ApplyShim is in use
// We test at the point of patching, which makes it safe to load
// webcomponentsjs and polyfill-support in either order
if (window.ShadyCSS === undefined ||
(window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow && !window.ShadyCSS.ApplyShim)) {
// console.log(
// '%c Making lit-html compatible with ShadyDOM/CSS.',
// 'color: lightgreen; font-style: italic'
// );
((_a = window.ShadyDOM) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.inUse) &&
((_b = window.ShadyDOM) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.noPatch) === true
? window.ShadyDOM.wrap
: function (node) { return node; };
var needsPrepareStyles = function (name) {
return name !== undefined && !styledScopes.has(name);
var cssForScope = function (name) {
var scopeCss = scopeCssStore.get(name);
if (scopeCss === undefined) {
scopeCssStore.set(name, (scopeCss = []));
return scopeCss;
var prepareStyles = function (name, template) {
// Get styles
var scopeCss = cssForScope(name);
var hasScopeCss = scopeCss.length !== 0;
if (hasScopeCss) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = scopeCss.join('\n');
// Note, it's important to add the style to the *end* of the template so
// it doesn't mess up part indices.
// Mark this scope as styled.
// Remove stored data since it's no longer needed.
// ShadyCSS removes scopes and removes the style under ShadyDOM and leaves
// it under native Shadow DOM
window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateStyles(template, name);
// Note, under native Shadow DOM, the style is added to the beginning of the
// template. It must be moved to the *end* of the template so it doesn't
// mess up part indices.
if (hasScopeCss && window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) {
// If there were styles but the CSS text was empty, ShadyCSS will
// eliminate the style altogether, so the style here could be null
var style = template.content.querySelector('style');
if (style !== null) {
var scopedTemplateCache = new Map();
* Override to extract style elements from the template
* and store all style.textContent in the shady scope data.
* Note, it's ok to patch Template since it's only used via ChildPart.
var originalCreateElement = Template.createElement;
Template.createElement = function (html, options) {
var element = originalCreateElement.call(Template, html, options);
var scope = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.scope;
if (scope !== undefined) {
if (!window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) {
window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateDom(element, scope);
// Process styles only if this scope is being prepared. Otherwise,
// leave styles as is for back compat with Lit1.
if (needsPrepareStyles(scope)) {
var scopeCss = cssForScope(scope);
// Remove styles and store textContent.
var styles = element.content.querySelectorAll('style');
// Store the css in this template in the scope css and remove the <style>
// from the template _before_ the node-walk captures part indices
scopeCss.push.apply(scopeCss, Array.from(styles).map(function (style) {
var _a;
(_a = style.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(style);
return style.textContent;
return element;
var renderContainer = document.createDocumentFragment();
var renderContainerMarker = document.createComment('');
var childPartProto = ChildPart.prototype;
* Patch to apply gathered css via ShadyCSS. This is done only once per scope.
var setValue = childPartProto._$setValue;
childPartProto._$setValue = function (value, directiveParent) {
var _a, _b;
if (directiveParent === void 0) { directiveParent = this; }
var container = wrap(this._$startNode).parentNode;
var scope = (_a = this.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scope;
if (container instanceof ShadowRoot && needsPrepareStyles(scope)) {
// Note, @apply requires outer => inner scope rendering on initial
// scope renders to apply property values correctly. Style preparation
// is tied to rendering into `shadowRoot`'s and this is typically done by
// custom elements. If this is done in `connectedCallback`, as is typical,
// the code below ensures the right order since content is rendered
// into a fragment first so the hosting element can prepare styles first.
// If rendering is done in the constructor, this won't work, but that's
// not supported in ShadyDOM anyway.
var startNode = this._$startNode;
var endNode = this._$endNode;
// Temporarily move this part into the renderContainer.
this._$startNode = renderContainerMarker;
this._$endNode = null;
// Note, any nested template results render here and their styles will
// be extracted and collected.
setValue.call(this, value, directiveParent);
// Get the template for this result or create a dummy one if a result
// is not being rendered.
// This property needs to remain unminified.
var template = (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value['_$litType$'])
? this._$committedValue._$template.el
: document.createElement('template');
prepareStyles(scope, template);
// Note, this is the temporary startNode.
// When using native Shadow DOM, include prepared style in shadowRoot.
if ((_b = window.ShadyCSS) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nativeShadow) {
var style = template.content.querySelector('style');
if (style !== null) {
container.insertBefore(renderContainer, endNode);
// Move part back to original container.
this._$startNode = startNode;
this._$endNode = endNode;
else {
setValue.call(this, value, directiveParent);
* Patch ChildPart._$getTemplate to look up templates in a cache bucketed
* by element name.
childPartProto._$getTemplate = function (result) {
var _a;
var scope = (_a = this.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scope;
var templateCache = scopedTemplateCache.get(scope);
if (templateCache === undefined) {
scopedTemplateCache.set(scope, (templateCache = new Map()));
var template = templateCache.get(result.strings);
if (template === undefined) {
templateCache.set(result.strings, (template = new Template(result, this.options)));
return template;
polyfillSupport.noPatchSupported = ENABLE_SHADYDOM_NOPATCH;
if (DEV_MODE) {
(_a = globalThis.litHtmlPolyfillSupportDevMode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (globalThis.litHtmlPolyfillSupportDevMode = polyfillSupport);
else {
(_b = globalThis.litHtmlPolyfillSupport) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (globalThis.litHtmlPolyfillSupport = polyfillSupport);
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=polyfill-support.js.map