breathofgod/breathofgod.materials/Inform Map.eps

806 lines
24 KiB

%!PS-Adobe EPSF-3.0
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/Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont setfont
newpath % Ruled outline outer box of map
12 12 moveto % bottom left corner
948 12 lineto % bottom side
948 576 lineto % right side
12 576 lineto % top side
newpath % Ruled horizontal line
12 540 moveto % LHS
948 540 lineto % RHS
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont setfont
newpath (Map)
24 % = X
558 24 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
[2 1] 0 setdash % dashed line for arrow
192 426 moveto % room centre
-18 -27 rlineto % arrow out
[] 0 setdash % back to normal solid lines
/Helvetica findfont 8 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsrrcLNW)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 171 exch sub % = X centre-offset
394 8 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
768 498 moveto % start of Bezier curve
696 498 768 498 696 498 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
[2 1] 0 setdash % dashed line for arrow
768 498 moveto % room centre
-18 -27 rlineto % arrow out
[] 0 setdash % back to normal solid lines
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newpath (RsrrcLNE)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 747 exch sub % = X centre-offset
466 8 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
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currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
174 408 moveto % bottom left corner
210 408 lineto % bottom side
210 444 lineto % right side
174 444 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
174 408 moveto % bottom left corner
210 408 lineto % bottom side
210 444 lineto % right side
174 444 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSUF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 192 exch sub % = X centre-offset
426 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
750 480 moveto % bottom left corner
786 480 lineto % bottom side
786 516 lineto % right side
750 516 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
750 480 moveto % bottom left corner
786 480 lineto % bottom side
786 516 lineto % right side
750 516 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSUF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 768 exch sub % = X centre-offset
498 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
678 480 moveto % bottom left corner
714 480 lineto % bottom side
714 516 lineto % right side
678 516 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
678 480 moveto % bottom left corner
714 480 lineto % bottom side
714 516 lineto % right side
678 516 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLUFE)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 696 exch sub % = X centre-offset
498 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
552 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
552 198 552 126 552 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
552 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
624 126 696 126 768 126 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
552 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
480 126 264 54 192 54 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
192 54 moveto % start of Bezier curve
264 126 192 54 264 126 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
192 54 moveto % start of Bezier curve
120 126 120 126 48 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
[2 1] 0 setdash % dashed line for arrow
192 54 moveto % room centre
18 27 rlineto % arrow out
[] 0 setdash % back to normal solid lines
/Helvetica findfont 8 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsrLSUFW)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 213 exch sub % = X centre-offset
86 8 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
768 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
840 198 768 198 840 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
768 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
696 198 768 126 696 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
[2 1] 0 setdash % dashed line for arrow
768 126 moveto % room centre
18 27 rlineto % arrow out
[] 0 setdash % back to normal solid lines
/Helvetica findfont 8 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsrLSUFE)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 789 exch sub % = X centre-offset
158 8 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
48 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
120 198 192 270 264 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
840 270 moveto % start of Bezier curve
768 270 552 270 480 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
336 54 moveto % start of Bezier curve
264 126 336 54 264 126 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
336 54 moveto % start of Bezier curve
408 54 480 198 552 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
624 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
696 270 624 126 696 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
624 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
552 198 624 198 552 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
480 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
480 270 480 198 480 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
480 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
480 126 696 270 696 198 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
264 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
264 270 264 198 264 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
264 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
264 126 264 198 264 126 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
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552 342 moveto % start of Bezier curve
480 270 552 342 480 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
192 342 moveto % start of Bezier curve
264 270 192 342 264 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
552 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
552 270 408 198 408 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
696 198 moveto % start of Bezier curve
624 270 480 198 408 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
264 126 moveto % start of Bezier curve
336 198 336 198 408 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
480 270 moveto % start of Bezier curve
408 270 480 270 408 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
264 270 moveto % start of Bezier curve
336 270 336 270 408 270 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
408 270 moveto % start of Bezier curve
408 342 408 270 408 342 curveto % control points 1, 2 and end
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
534 108 moveto % bottom left corner
570 108 lineto % bottom side
570 144 lineto % right side
534 144 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
534 108 moveto % bottom left corner
570 108 lineto % bottom side
570 144 lineto % right side
534 144 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsLNC)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 552 exch sub % = X centre-offset
126 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
174 36 moveto % bottom left corner
210 36 lineto % bottom side
210 72 lineto % right side
174 72 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
174 36 moveto % bottom left corner
210 36 lineto % bottom side
210 72 lineto % right side
174 72 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsLNW)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 192 exch sub % = X centre-offset
54 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
750 108 moveto % bottom left corner
786 108 lineto % bottom side
786 144 lineto % right side
750 144 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
750 108 moveto % bottom left corner
786 108 lineto % bottom side
786 144 lineto % right side
750 144 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsLNE)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 768 exch sub % = X centre-offset
126 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
30 180 moveto % bottom left corner
66 180 lineto % bottom side
66 216 lineto % right side
30 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
30 180 moveto % bottom left corner
66 180 lineto % bottom side
66 216 lineto % right side
30 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsLNN)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 48 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
822 252 moveto % bottom left corner
858 252 lineto % bottom side
858 288 lineto % right side
822 288 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
822 252 moveto % bottom left corner
858 252 lineto % bottom side
858 288 lineto % right side
822 288 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsLNN)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 840 exch sub % = X centre-offset
270 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
318 36 moveto % bottom left corner
354 36 lineto % bottom side
354 72 lineto % right side
318 72 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
318 36 moveto % bottom left corner
354 36 lineto % bottom side
354 72 lineto % right side
318 72 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 336 exch sub % = X centre-offset
54 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
606 180 moveto % bottom left corner
642 180 lineto % bottom side
642 216 lineto % right side
606 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
606 180 moveto % bottom left corner
642 180 lineto % bottom side
642 216 lineto % right side
606 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 624 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
462 180 moveto % bottom left corner
498 180 lineto % bottom side
498 216 lineto % right side
462 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
462 180 moveto % bottom left corner
498 180 lineto % bottom side
498 216 lineto % right side
462 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 480 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
246 180 moveto % bottom left corner
282 180 lineto % bottom side
282 216 lineto % right side
246 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
246 180 moveto % bottom left corner
282 180 lineto % bottom side
282 216 lineto % right side
246 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 264 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
534 324 moveto % bottom left corner
570 324 lineto % bottom side
570 360 lineto % right side
534 360 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
534 324 moveto % bottom left corner
570 324 lineto % bottom side
570 360 lineto % right side
534 360 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 552 exch sub % = X centre-offset
342 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
174 324 moveto % bottom left corner
210 324 lineto % bottom side
210 360 lineto % right side
174 360 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
174 324 moveto % bottom left corner
210 324 lineto % bottom side
210 360 lineto % right side
174 360 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 192 exch sub % = X centre-offset
342 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
534 180 moveto % bottom left corner
570 180 lineto % bottom side
570 216 lineto % right side
534 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
534 180 moveto % bottom left corner
570 180 lineto % bottom side
570 216 lineto % right side
534 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 552 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
678 180 moveto % bottom left corner
714 180 lineto % bottom side
714 216 lineto % right side
678 216 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
678 180 moveto % bottom left corner
714 180 lineto % bottom side
714 216 lineto % right side
678 216 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 696 exch sub % = X centre-offset
198 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
246 108 moveto % bottom left corner
282 108 lineto % bottom side
282 144 lineto % right side
246 144 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
246 108 moveto % bottom left corner
282 108 lineto % bottom side
282 144 lineto % right side
246 144 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 264 exch sub % = X centre-offset
126 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
462 252 moveto % bottom left corner
498 252 lineto % bottom side
498 288 lineto % right side
462 288 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
462 252 moveto % bottom left corner
498 252 lineto % bottom side
498 288 lineto % right side
462 288 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 480 exch sub % = X centre-offset
270 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
246 252 moveto % bottom left corner
282 252 lineto % bottom side
282 288 lineto % right side
246 288 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
246 252 moveto % bottom left corner
282 252 lineto % bottom side
282 288 lineto % right side
246 288 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSLF)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 264 exch sub % = X centre-offset
270 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
390 252 moveto % bottom left corner
426 252 lineto % bottom side
426 288 lineto % right side
390 288 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
390 252 moveto % bottom left corner
426 252 lineto % bottom side
426 288 lineto % right side
390 288 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RsrLS)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 408 exch sub % = X centre-offset
270 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show
newpath % Room interior
0.827451 0.827451 0.827451 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour D3D3D3
390 324 moveto % bottom left corner
426 324 lineto % bottom side
426 360 lineto % right side
390 360 lineto % top side
currentlinewidth % Push old line width onto stack
1 setlinewidth
newpath % Room outline
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
390 324 moveto % bottom left corner
426 324 lineto % bottom side
426 360 lineto % right side
390 360 lineto % top side
setlinewidth % Pull old line width from stack
0 0 0 setrgbcolor % From HTML colour 000000
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
newpath (RLSGW)
dup stringwidth add 2 div 408 exch sub % = X centre-offset
342 12 2 div sub % = Y centre-offset
moveto show