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William Moore 2024-05-28 15:01:53 -05:00
parent 6456d1a605
commit b34ca2a928
3 changed files with 138 additions and 1 deletions

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TARGETS=Aetheria AdventureCafe CultOfTheElephant DinosaurZoo DinosaurZooAdventures TheInferno
TARGETS=MushroomLand AdventureCafe CultOfTheElephant DinosaurZoo DinosaurZooAdventures TheInferno ChaosDungeons

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\graphicspath{ {./src/ChaosDungeons} }
{\color{title} \huge Chaos Dungeons}
{\color{title} by William Moore}
For Chaos Dungeons, it is as near to an oracular concept as possible, so it will incorporate the \href{https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/125685/The-GameMasters-Apprentice-Base-Deck}{GameMasters Apprentice} (GMA) for encounter generation.
It is of note Chaos Dungeons is truly role-playing game agnostic, so use it with DnD, Pathfinder, OpenD6, or others unnamed.
For this system, the builder needs, as mentioned earlier, an appropriate GMA deck, a six-sided dice, and a standard deck of playing cards. Because only six-sided dice are used in this, only say “dice” will be mentioned. Additionally,something such as graph paper and something to write with are needed.
This system does not define what objectives or adventure hook is necessary for adventurers entering the dungeon. It is left up to the builder or the one actually using the dungeon.
\section*{Generating the Dungeon}
Generation is straight-forward. The builder draws a card from the deck and applies the resulting suit + face combination. This continues until the builder feels the dungeon is of sufficient size. If building the dungeon on the fly, construction continues until the objective is completed or, God-forbid, all player characters have died. Once a card is applied to the dungeon, discard it. If a particular card effect cannot be used, draw another. Once the deck is exhausted, shuffle the discard face down and they become the new deck.
\subsection*{Meanings Behind the Cards}
Each suit has a different application for the X value specified by the faces.
\item Clubs 1 die + 3
\item Diamonds 1 die + 2
\item Hearts 1 die + 1
\item Spades 1 die
Each face has a different result for producing a result (A Q) or an effect on the deck or discard pile itself (K and Joker).
\item Ace Stairs Up or Exit after X spaces
\item 2 Stairs down after X spaces
\item 3 Straight hallway X spaces long with a trap is applied at the end
\item 4 Straight hallway X spaces long
\item 5 Crossroads after X spaces
\item 6 A right turn in X spaces
\item 7 A left turn in X spaces
\item 8 A T-shaped intersection in X spaces with the direction dictated by the map and the builders choice.
\item 9 through J Draw a door and generate a room (see below)
\item Q A dead end in X spaces.
\item K Remove the card from the session and shuffle the discard and deck together
\item Joker Straight hallway 1 die spaces long with an encounter at the end.
\subsection*{Generating a Room}
In a similar fashion as generating hallways, room generation is also based on suit of the card.
\item Clubs 1 dice + 3 by 1 dice + 3 room
\item Diamonds 1 dice + 2 by 1 dice + 2 room
\item Hearts 1 die + 1 by 1 die + 1 room
\item Spades 1 die by 1 die room
Now, the die roll result is the maximum dimensions of the room. If, for whatever reason, the maximum dimensions will not fit, insert the room on the map in a way that does fit. Furthmore, when called for, there might be a feature in the room. As such, roll a die to determine what exactly the feature, outside any encounters desired by the room builder.
\item 1 through 2 - empty of strange features and encounters.
\item 3 - Strange feature (e.g. talking skeleton on top of a mirror)
\item 4 - A trap
\item 5 through 6 - empty of strange features, but encounters still possible
How many encounters and how frequently they occur, or even how gear is acquired, is dictated by the GMA draws and personal preference of or interpretation of the GMA draws by the builder. The exact rules of the GMA are beyond the scope of this system, and probably should be this way what with there being a cost associated with the deck.
When a trap is needed for a particular map piece or room, this can be created by the builder or through some outside generator, which is partially beyond the scope of Chaos Dungeons. However, a good resource for traps might be \href{https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/319495/a-dozen-descriptive-traps}{A Dozen Descriptive Traps by Philip Reed Games}
\subsection*{Wrapping It Up}
If the builder is generating the dungeon in advance, it will continue until the builder is satisfied the map fits with what they are wanting. At this point, ``seal'' off all open pathways.
There are a few tips for the builder to make the experience potentially more pleasant. First, try to only have one level per page, or multiple page if the level proves bigger than the medium used to record the map. Next, if you don't like the card drawn, discard and draw another. While nobody except you will know, try to keep this to a minimum. Additionally, if a card drawn doesn't fit into the map itself or the builder doesn't want to use it, they may set it aside and use when deemed necessary. Finally, add flavor to your rooms because Chaos Dungeons only generates the structure. The builder will need to add descriptions and such for the pertinent hallways and the rooms.
\section*{Adapting to Outside the Dungeon}
With slight tweaks, the builder can adapt Chaos Dungeons to a non-dungeon environment. There are a few considerations. First, there is the top of traps. Unless the builder desires them, they are not necessary for a trap to be placed. Instead, when a 3 is drawn, it can optionally be considered just another "hallway". Next, there is the topic of hallways. For outdoor maps, these would just be long pathways. Finally, there are the topics of stairs and doors. These will lead into rooms and follow the room generation procedures.
Credit for this is due mainly to \href{http://tabletopdiversions.blogspot.com/2012/12/dungeon-generator-updated-now-with-more.html}{Dungeon Generator by Tabletop Diversions} for the inspiration and base structure used in Chaos Dungeons.
{\color{black} \copyright\, 2024 William Moore. This work is distributed using the \href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/}{Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0} license.}