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[ Copyright (C) 2022 William R. Moore <william@nerderium.com>
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"Buttered Toast" by "Masterful Interactions".
The story headline is "the Legend of Possum Crotch".
The story description is "You are Billy Davis and you need to lead Chung He to discover the whereabouts in San Fransisco of her husband Chung Ho.".
Release along with cover art.
The release number is 1.
The player has a number called current score.
The current score of the player is 0.
Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech.
Looking is look.
Significance is a kind of value. The significance is insignificant and significant.
Seeability is a kind of value. The seeability is seen and unseen.
Conversation is a kind of value. The conversation is spoken and unspoken.
A person has a significance. A person has a seeability. A person has a conversation.
A thing has significance.
Before speech when the noun is a person:
now the conversation of the noun is spoken;
if the seeability of the noun is seen and the significance of the noun is significant,
increase the current score of the player by 1.
Before examining when the noun is a person:
now the seeability of the noun is seen;
if the conversation of the noun is spoken and the significance of the noun is significant,
increase the current score of the player by 1.
After reading a command:
let N be "[the player's command]";
if N is "take over kingdom",
say "What kingdom, you dumple!".
When play begins:
now the right hand status line is "Score: [current score of the player] of 309".
[ San Francisco, 1895 ]
Poorly Lit Room is a room. The description of Poorly Lit Room is "You are in a poorly lit room and it is difficult to see most features. Those that are visible are blurry."
Central Embarcadero is a room. Central Embarcadero is south of North Embarcadero. The description of Central Embarcadero is "The Embarcadero looks like a warf straight from 20 years in the future. It extends north and south along a curve. Shops are along it. West is the rest of San Francisco."
North Embarcadero is a room. The description of North Embarcadero is "The northern side of the Embarcadero trails off into the beach. There are several shops continue flowing from the southern direction. West is the rest of San Francisco. South is the Embarcadero."
South Embarcadero is a room. It is south of Central Embarcadero. The description of South Embarcadero is "The southern side of the Embarcadero trails off into the beach. More shops line the pathways. West is the rest of San Francisco. North is the Embarcadero."
Lombard Street is a room. Lombard Street is west of North Embarcadero. The description of Lombard Street is "The twisty road is an iconic roadway that was the intention of the residents during the 1920s to prevent issues that arose with the steep hill. It is not supposed to be here during your time. The only way to go is east and west"
Market Street is a room. Market Street is west of Lombard Street. The description of Market Street is "This is a busy street lined with many shops and businesses. The street has the appearance of cleanliness. It goes east and southwest."
North Market Street Entrance is a door. It is north of Market Street. It is south of Cafe du Nord. The description of North Market Street Entrance is "The door is fancy looking and has the words 'Cafe du Nord' across the top."
Cafe du Nord is a room. It is north of North Market Street Entrance. The description of Cafe du Nord is "For more than 100 years, Cafe Du Nord has maintained its intimate mood of a speakeasy with rich, dark colors of red and black. The main door is to the east."
Wayfare Tavern is a room. It is west of Central Embarcadero. It is south of Lombard Street. The description of Wayfare Tavern is "This is some sort of attempt at a tavern for the purposes of serving drinks. It looks inviting. There are paths east and north. There is a giant, decorative wall to the west would have a famililar esthetic to Chung He."
Omni San Francisco Hotel is a room. It is south of Wayfare Tavern. It is west of South Embarcadero. The description of Omni San Francisco Hotel is "The Omni San Francisco Hotel looks like an excellent place to stay if you wanted to. There is a path southwest. There is a path back to the Embarcadero to the east. There is a path north. There is a giant, decorative wall to the west would have a famililar esthetic to Chung He."
Dragon Gate is a door. It is north of Gateway. It is south of Chinatown. The description of the Dragon Gate is "The style of the Dragon Gate is as familiar to Chung He as the decorative wall."
Gateway is a room. It is southwest of Omni San Francisco. The description of Gateway is "You stand before a giant gate connecting the walls."
Chinatown is a room. The description of Chinatown is "Chinatown is one of the oldest Chinese-centric areas in San Francisco and spans several city blocks. It is surrounded by a decorative wall that seems oddly familiar to Chung He."
[ Cat House, Main Floor ]
Cat House Lobby is a room. It is west of Market Street. The description of Cat House Lobby is "This is the lobby to the Cat House. It is a well-kept, Victorian-style lobby. People are milling in and out, heads bowed and hands covering their faces in attempts to avoid eye contact. There are doorways to the north-east and north-west."
Cat House Room 3 is a room. It is northeast of Cat House Lobby. It is west of Cat House Kitchen. The description of the Cat House Room 3 is "The room has various erotic pictures hung on the wall. You're too embarassed to view them any more than a passing glance. There are a rooms to the east and a room to the west and south-west."
Cat House Kitchen is a room. The description of the Cat House Kitchen is "The kitchen has all the ameneties to prepare the most indulgent of foods. There is a room to the west."
Cat House Sun Room is a room. It is east of Cat House Room 1 It is west of Cat House Room 3. The description of Cat House Sun Room is "The sun room is bright and shiny thanks to well placed windows that let the light of our famous, shining star in. There are exits to the east and the west. There is an exit leading outside to the north."
Cat House Room 1 is a room. It is northwest of Cat House Lobby. It is west of Cat House Sun Room. The description of Cat House Room 1 is "The room has various erotic pictures hung on the wall. You're too embarassed to view them any more than a passing glance. THere are doorways to the south-east and east. There are stairs leading up."
[ Cat House, Upper Floor ]
Cat Upper Hallway 1 is a room. It is above Cat House Room 1. The description of Cat House Upper Hallway 1 is "The hallway extends to the east. It is lined with rooms of people making strange sounds inside."
Cat Upper Hallway 2 is a room. It is east of Cat Upper Hallway 1. The description of Cat House Upper Hallway 2 is "The hallway extends to the east. It is lined with rooms of people making strange sounds inside."
Cat Upper Hallway 3 is a room. It is east of Cat Upper Hallway 2. The description of Cat House Upper Hallway 3 is "The hallway extends to the east. It is lined with rooms of people making strange sounds inside."
Cat Upper Hallway 4 is a room. It is east of Cat Upper Hallway 3. The description of Cat House Upper Hallway 4 is "The hallway terminates here. It is lined with rooms of people making strange sounds inside."
The Narrator is a person in Poorly Lit Room. The significance of the Narrator is significant. The conversation of the Narrator is unspoken. The description of Narrator is "The narrator is well-dressed and young looking. However, what their true form is beguiling. They look like they urgently want to speak with you."
Chung He is a person. The significance of Chung He is significant. The seeability of Chung He is unseen. The conversation of Chung He is unspoken. The description of Chung He is "An average Chinese woman. She looks like she has worked hard all her life."
Wallaby Fits is a person. The significance of Wallaby Fits is significant. The seeability of Wallaby Fits is unseen. The conversation of Wallaby Fits is unspoken. They are in Omni San Francisco Hotel. The description of Wallaby Fits is "A tall, lanky, balding man who looks grumpy and could start going into an invective fit at any moment."
After speech when noun is Wallaby Fits:
say "Wallaby Fits looks up and says 'This is just the sort of blinkered
philistine pig-ignorance I've come to expect from you non-creative
garbage. You sit there on your loathsome spotty behinds squeezing
blackheads, not caring a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist.
You excrement, you whining hypocritical toadies with your colour TV
sets and your Tony Jacklin golf clubs and your bleeding masonic
secret handshakes. You wouldn't let me join, would you, you
blackballing bastards. Well I wouldn't become a Freemason now if
you went down on your lousy stinking knees and begged me.'";
say "You stare at him bewildered.";
say "Wallaby Fits stares at you with his head tilted to the side and says 'Oh I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone important.'";
say "Wallaby Fits goes back to what he was doing which is none of your concern."
Amelia is a person in Cafe du Nord. The description of Amelia is "Amelia is a slender woman wearing ruined aviator clothes. She has sandy blonde hair. She is totally drunk and appears to almost always be that way."
The amulet of destiny is a thing. It is wearable. The significance of the amulet of destiny is significant. The description of the amulet of destiny is "A bright and shiny amulet that weighs a bunch."
The ring of awesomeness is a thing. It is wearable. The significance of the ring of awesomeness is significant. The description of the ring of awesomeness is "An awesome-looking ring that fits your finger perfectly."
Understand "slap [something]" as slapping. Slapping is an action applying to one visible thing.
After slapping when the noun is a person:
say "You viciously slap [the noun]!"
Understand "poke [something]" as poking. Poking is an action applying to one visible thing.
After poking when the noun is a person:
say "You poke [the noun]."
After speech when the noun is Chung He:
say "Chung He says 'I'm looking for my husband. If he's dead, I'll make that person pay!'"
[ The Beginning scene ]
The Beginning is a scene. The Beginning begins when play begins. The Beginning ends when the player is wearing the ring of awesomeness. The description of the Beginning is "Welcome to Buttered Toast: the Legend of Possum Crotch.[line break][line break]We want to claim this is full of action, adventure, mystery, and love![line break][line break]In loving memory of Johnny von Soundstation."
After speech when the noun is Narrator and The Beginning is happening:
say "The Narrator says 'Hello, Billy Davis! What you are about to see is Buttered Toast: the Legend of Possum Crotch.";
say "Here, have [the amulet of destiny]! Wear it with strength and honor!";
say "Here, have [the ring of awesomeness]! Wear it with strength and honor!";
say "Enjoy the show!'";
now the amulet of destiny is in Poorly Lit Room;
silently try taking the amulet of destiny;
now the player is wearing the amulet of destiny;
now the ring of awesomeness is in Poorly Lit Room;
silently try taking the ring of awesomeness;
now the player is wearing the ring of awesomeness
When the Beginning begins:
move the player to the Poorly Lit Room.
[ San Francisco, 1895 ]
San Francisco 1895 is a scene. San Francisco 1895 begins when The Beginning ends.
When San Francisco 1895 begins:
move Chung He to Central Embarcadero;
move the player to Central Embarcadero.
Before going to a room (called new room):
move Chung He to new room