ButteredToast2/ButteredToast2.materials/Extensions/William Moore/Buttered Toast Rules.i7x
2022-09-20 04:47:29 -05:00

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Version 1.0.0 of Buttered Toast Rules by William Moore begins here.
Chapter 1 - The Basic Commands
Understand "slap [something]" as slapping. Slapping is an action applying to one visible thing.
After slapping when the noun is a person:
say "You viciously slap [the noun]!".
Understand "poke [something]" as poking. Poking is an action applying to one visible thing.
After poking when the noun is a person:
say "You poke [the noun]."
Table of Help Commands
command description
"north" "Move north"
"south" "Move south"
"east" "Move east"
"west" "Move west"
"northeast" "Move northeast"
"northwest" "Move northwest"
"southeast" "Move southeast"
"southwest" "Move southwest"
"up" "Move up"
"down" "Move down"
"look" "Looks around at current location"
"save" "Save state to a file"
"restore" "Restores a saved state"
"restart" "Restarts the game"
"verbose" "Gives full description after each command"
"score" "Displays score and ranking"
"diagnostic" "Give description of health"
"brief" "Give a description upon first entering an area"
"superbrief" "Never describe an area"
"quit" "Quit game"
"climb" "Climbs (up)"
"g" "Redo last command"
"go (direction)" "Go towards direction (west/east/north/south/in/out/into)"
"enter" "In to the place"
"in" "Go into something"
"out" "Go out of the place"
"hi/hello" "Say hello"
"get/take (item)" "Removes item from current room and places it in your inventory"
"get/take all" "Takes all takeable objects in room"
"throw (item) at (location)" "Throws the item at something"
"open (container)" "Opens the container, whether it is in the room or your inventory"
"open (exit)" "Opens the exit for travel"
"read (item)" "Reads what is written on readable item"
"drop (item)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in current room"
"put (item) in (container)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in container"
"turn (control) with (item)" "Attempts to operate the control with the item"
"turn on (item)" "Turns on the item"
"turn off (item)" "Turns the item off"
"move (object)" "Moves a large object that cannot be picked up"
"attack (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item"
"examine (object)" "Examines, or looks, at an object or item or location"
"inventory" "Shows contents of the inventory"
"eat" "Eats item (specifically food)"
"shout" "Shout it out (shout it out loud)"
"close (Door)" "Closes door"
"tie (item) to (object)" "Ties item to object"
"pick (item)" "Take/get item"
"kill self with (weapon)" "Humorously commits suicide"
"break (item) with (item)" "Breaks item"
"kill (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item"
"drink" "Drink an item"
"smell" "Smell an item"
"cut (object/item) with (weapon)" "Comment: Strange concept, cutting the (object/item). If (object/item)=self then you commit suicide"
"listen (target)" "Listens to a creature or an item"
"slap (target)" "Slap the target viciously."
"poke (target)" "Poke a target."
Understand "help" as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing.
After helping:
say "You like help? Here we go!:[paragraph break]";
repeat through Table of Help Commands:
say "[bold type][command entry][roman type]: [description entry][line break]".
Buttered Toast Rules ends here.
[ Copyright (C) 2022 William R. Moore <william@nerderium.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ]