"Buttered Toast: Enter the Kansas City" by "William and Kiel Moore". Chapter 0 - License and General Set Up [ Copyright (C) 2022 William R. Moore This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ] The release number is 1. The story description is "The seeds of racism are everywhere. Can you uncover some?". The story headline is "An interactive fiction officially sponsored by Pepso". Release along with cover art, an interpreter, library card, and the source text. Include Buttered Toast Rules by William Moore. Include Buttered Toast KC Map by William Moore. Include 1PD6 Buttered Toast 3 Setting by William Moore. Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Looking is look. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. Crime solved is a truth state that varies. Officer Arnold has a truth state called chatted up. The strength of Officer Arnold is 4. The defense of Officer Arnold is 4. The health of Officer Arnold is 25. The dice pool of Officer Arnold is 3. Chapter 1 - Setting Up the Figures Figure of Melkior is the file "melkior.jpg". Figure of Buckethead is the file "buckethead.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor West is the file "sanct-west-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Southwest is the file "sanct-sw-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Southeast is the file "sanct-se-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest is the file "sanct-nw-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Northeast is the file "sanct-ne-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor East is the file "sanct-east-lower.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Upper Floor East is the file "sanct-east-upper.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Upper Floor West is the file "sanct-west-upper.jpg". Figure of Stage is the file "stage.jpg". Figure of Baptismal Font is the file "font.jpg". Figure of Stained Glass Window is the file "stained-glass-window.jpg". Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex West is the file "font-narthex-west.jpg". Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex Center is the file "font-narthex-center.jpg". Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex East is the file "font-narthex-east.jpg". Figure of Narthex Northeast is the file "narthex-ne.jpg". Figure of Narthex Northwest is the file "narthex-nw.jpg". Figure of Narthex East is the file "narthex-east.jpg". Figure of Narthex West is the file "narthex-west.jpg". Figure of Narthex Center is the file "narthex-center.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Northwest Corridor is the file "sanct-nw-corr.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary West Corridor is the file "sanct-west-corr.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Center Corridor is the file "sanct-center-corr.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary East Corridor is the file "sanct-east-corr.jpg". Figure of Sanctuary Northeast Corridor is the file "sanct-ne-corr.jpg". Figure of Altar Table is the file "altar-table.jpg". Figure of Elmo & Gandalf is the file "elmo_gandalf_game.jpg". Figure of Arthur Bryant's is the file "arthur_bryants.jpg". Figure of Me is the file "me.jpg". Figure of BBQ is the file "bbq.jpg". Figure of 1 of a Kind is the file "1ofakind.jpg". Figure of Liberty Memorial is the file "liberty_memorial.jpg". Chapter 2 - Setting Up the Tables Table of Melkior Responses Response "Melkior says 'You will kneel before me and Lord Death!'" "Melkior says 'Would you like to try some of this black ichor?'" "Melkior says 'I cannot believe that I was defeated by a dwarf and a multi-armed human.'" "Melkior says 'Lord Death, save me!'" "Melkior says 'Ailusherai! I will find you!'" Table of Hank the Wino King Rants Rant "Hank the Wino King frowns. 'The rich oppress things.'" "Hank the Wino King says 'The rich subjugate things. Look no further than Christianity!'" "Hank the Wino King exclaims 'One of these days people will rise up in droves against the wealthy.'" "Hank the Wino King furrows his brow, the deep lines showing his age, and says 'They say 'eat the rich' when I say 'let's just take their cash from them and run'.'" "Hank the Wino King whistfully smiles and says 'Some churches do a good job for the community like Church of the Resurrection. I really wish I had an awesome ring to rub to take me there at this moment!'" Table of Mr Linendot Sayings Saying "Mr Linendot smiles and says 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot the officially unofficial spokesperson of Pepso: the only drink made with real pepsin!'" "Mr Linendot offers you an unmarked can and shouts 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot! Try the new 'refreshing' flavor of Pepso: 'vanilla'!'" "Mr Linendot frowns and says 'I'm legally required to use air quotes so as not to be sued by Pepso...again..." "Mr Linendot says 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot here to tell you about the delicious beverage Pepso. The only drink made with real pepsin and now comes in a new refreshing flavor of 'vanilla'. And remember kids, I can no longer say they are the official sponsor of the show as that has never been the case.' He drinks a Pepso 'And here comes my lunch...'" Table of Zingo Responses Response "When in doubt, crap it out!" "If you don't follow me towards the path of paradise, I will eat a chicken salad sandwich." "Once bitten, thrice found out." "Leading a horse to water can make you late to dinner and we don't want that, now do we?" "Without a proper cleansing, the impure will continue to walk the earth." "One is not truly clean until they are Zest-fully clean." "Kirk? Kirk!? Kirk, can you hear me?" Table of Television Responses Response "Where's Waldo? He's 5 foot 10 inches with a red and white striped shirt, red and white striped hat, propensity to hide. Please, let us know. His family misses him." "Corey Corem has put out his latest album containing all new classics. You can find 'It's a Plea Bargain, Baby!' is available on all your favorite streaming platforms and local stores." "And that, folks, was the latest trailer for 'Hands Off My Burrito!', the lastest film in the Billy Davis Cinematic Universe. Well, it was exactly what I expected. Let's just say!" "The ex-wife of Firenze Prumt was found dead today in an apparent suicide while falling down the stairs. This comes days after said she has dirt on his activities many have claimed are illegal in nature." "Enjoy the newest, hippest, greatest chip in town: Mumford Chips. Mumford Chips: the chips that make you...gruuuuuuunt! Made by S.C. Johnson Wax." "Drink Pepso! The only drink made with real pepsin!" Table of Help Commands command description "north" "Move north" "south" "Move south" "east" "Move east" "west" "Move west" "northeast" "Move northeast" "northwest" "Move northwest" "southeast" "Move southeast" "southwest" "Move southwest" "up" "Move up" "down" "Move down" "look" "Looks around at current location" "save" "Save state to a file" "restore" "Restores a saved state" "restart" "Restarts the game" "verbose" "Gives full description after each command" "score" "Displays score and ranking" "diagnostic" "Give description of health" "brief" "Give a description upon first entering an area" "superbrief" "Never describe an area" "quit" "Quit game" "climb" "Climbs (up)" "g" "Redo last command" "go (direction)" "Go towards direction (west/east/north/south/in/out/into)" "enter" "In to the place" "in" "Go into something" "out" "Go out of the place" "hi/hello" "Say hello" "get/take (item)" "Removes item from current room and places it in your inventory" "get/take all" "Takes all takeable objects in room" "throw (item) at (location)" "Throws the item at something" "open (container)" "Opens the container, whether it is in the room or your inventory" "open (exit)" "Opens the exit for travel" "read (item)" "Reads what is written on readable item" "drop (item)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in current room" "put (item) in (container)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in container" "turn (control) with (item)" "Attempts to operate the control with the item" "turn on (item)" "Turns on the item" "turn off (item)" "Turns the item off" "move (object)" "Moves a large object that cannot be picked up" "attack (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item" "examine (object)" "Examines, or looks, at an object or item or location" "inventory" "Shows contents of the inventory" "eat" "Eats item (specifically food)" "shout" "Shout it out (shout it out loud)" "close (Door)" "Closes door" "tie (item) to (object)" "Ties item to object" "pick (item)" "Take/get item" "kill self with (weapon)" "Humorously commits suicide" "break (item) with (item)" "Breaks item" "kill (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item" "drink" "Drink an item" "smell" "Smell an item" "cut (object/item) with (weapon)" "Comment: Strange concept, cutting the (object/item). If (object/item)=self then you commit suicide" "listen (target)" "Listens to a creature or an item" "slap (target)" "Slap the target viciously." "poke (target)" "Poke a target." "stat" "Display your stats" "reroll" "Reroll your stats if in Poorly Lit Room." "buy (strength, defense, hp, or die)" "Purchase an attribute with experience points." "accuse (target)" "accuse the target of murder" Chapter 3 - Setting Up Non-Standard Rooms and Doors Chapter 4 - Setting Up Actors The Narrator is a person. Understand "narr" as the Narrator. They are in Poorly Lit Room. The description is "The narrator is well-dressed and young looking. However, what their true form is beguiling. They look like they urgently want to speak with you.". Amelia is a person. They are in Arthur Bryant's. The description of Amelia is "Amelia is a slender woman wearing ruined aviator clothes. She has sandy blonde hair. She is totally drunk and appears to almost always be that way.". Darcon is a person. They are in Arthur Bryant's. The description is "He looks like a typical cook wearing a black shirt and pants.". Buckethead is a person. The description is "That's right. THE Buckethead! He appears to be staring at his chickens, which are aimlessly pecking at and scratching the floor.". Mr Linendot is a person. They are in UMKC. The description is "He has lines for limbs and dots for joints. His perfectly circular head only has dots for eyes and a line for a mouth.". Melkior is a person. They are in Broadway & 47th. The description is "He is an Eldarim turned undead after pledging his life to Death himself. He is currently held together it would seem by just simple rags. There are severely damaged parts on his body from previous battles.". Hank the Wino King is a person. They are in Central & 4th. The description is "A dishevelled man stands before you with long, matted, brown hair. The odor that eminates from them is an assault on the senses. Their long coat is greasy and grimey." Moonchild is a person. They are in Crown Center. The description is "The Moonchild is a man dressed in early Renaissance-style clothing and speaks with an authentic English accent." Elmo is a person. They are in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest Corridor. The description is "Elmo is a furry red muppet that has a high pitched voice, refers to himself in the third person, and loves to smile and dance and play." Gandalf the Grey is a person. They are in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest Corridor. The description is "Gandalf is a tall wizard with grey hair, long beard, grey robes, and a wide-brimmed hat. He is often seen smoking from an ornate long pipe." Police Clerk is a person. They are in Kansas City Police HQ. The description is "She's a generic looking police officer that is in charge of handling police evidence.". Officer Arnold is a person. The strength of Officer Arnold is 4. The defense of Officer Arnold is 4. The health of Officer Arnold is 25. The dice pool of Officer Arnold is 3. The description is "He's a generic-looking white police officer with a crew cut so sharp you can slice bread with it.". Zingo the Makeupless Clown is a person. They are in Ewing & Muriel Kaufman Memorial Garden. The printed name is "Zingo, the Makeup-less Clown". The description is "Zingo, the Makeup-less Clown has no make up on. He has a black eye from a prior altercation. His face is covered in grime. He wears a raggedy, fitted, red shirt. He wears sweatpants that are dirty with torn out pockets and holes in semi-random places. On his right wrist is a smart watch despite no apparent accompanied smart phone. On one foot is a dirty, old sneaker. On the other is a smelly sock and a grody sandal. He smells vaguely like cat litter." Zongi the Clown is a person. The printed name is "Zongi, the Clown". They are in Ewing & Muriel Kaufman Memorial Garden. The description is "This Gacy-esque clown is doing clown things.". Colonel Barleyton is a person. The description is "A black haired, bearded man known for being many things, one of which was on some space show in the 80s.". Chapter 5 - Setting Up Things [ Key Things ] The ring of awesomeness is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "An awesome-looking ring that fits your finger perfectly.". The officer's hat is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "A blue police officer's hat.". The officer's badge is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "A silvery metallic police officer's badge.". The officer's baton is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "A black police officer's baton." The set of handcuff is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "These silvery metallic handcuffs are intended to be used to control a person within the realms of police action. Any other purpose is purely coincidental.". BBQ Burnt Ends is a thing. It is edible. The description is "The BBQ burnt ends are a Kansas City specialty. They look so good and that they should be eaten before getting too cold.". BBQ Stained Napkin is a thing. The description is "A memorial of the delicious burnt ends from Arthur Bryant's.". Crime Scene Photos is a thing. The description is "These are photos of the murdered teenager taken at the scene of the crime in Grove Park.". ye flask is a thing. It is in City Hall. The description is "It is a flask containing some unknown liquid." Balloon Dog is a thing. The description is "This green dog-shaped balloon animal was masterfully crafted by Zongi, the Clown.". TV is a thing. The TV is in Bartle Hall. The description is "The flat screen 8K OLED TV has a black trim.". [ Other Things ] Can of Vanilla Pepso is a thing. The description is "A can of 'delicious', 'refreshing', 'vanilla' Pepso, the only flavored cola made with real pepsin.". ye flask is a thing. The description is "It is a flask containing some unknown liquid.". Chapter 6 - Setting Up the Actions Understand "help" as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Carry out helping: say "You like help? Here we go!:[paragraph break]"; repeat through Table of Help Commands: say "[bold type][command entry][roman type]: [description entry][line break]". After speech when noun is Melkior: let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Melkior Responses; say "[Response in row rr of Table of Melkior Responses]". After speech when noun is Hank the Wino King: let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Hank the Wino King Rants; say "[Rant in row rr of Table of Hank the Wino King Rants]". After speech when noun is Mr Linendot: let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Mr Linendot Sayings; say "[Saying in row rr of Table of Mr Linendot Sayings]"; if player is not carrying Can of Vanilla Pepso: say "[paragraph break]Mr Linendot says 'Have this can of 'vanilla' pepso on the house!'"; move can of vanilla pepso to location of the player; silently try taking the can of vanilla pepso. After rubbing when noun is ring of awesomeness and crime solved is true: say "[bold type]You feel a warmth about you. Suddenly, everthing fades to black. Upon waking up you look around..."; move the player to Resurrection Leawood Narthex Center. After rubbing when noun is ring of awesomeness and crime solved is false: say "A disembodied voice says 'AWESOOOME!'". [ For displaying figures ] After looking in Arthur Bryant's: display the Figure of Arthur Bryant's. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Southwest: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Southwest. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Southeast: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Southeast. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor West: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor West. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor East: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor East. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northeast: display the Figure of Sanctuary Lower Floor Northeast. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Upper Floor West: display the Figure of Sanctuary Upper Floor West. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Upper Floor East: display the Figure of Sanctuary Upper Floor East. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Northwest Corridor: display the Figure of Sanctuary Northwest Corridor. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary West Corridor: display the Figure of Sanctuary West Corridor. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Center Corridor: display the Figure of Sanctuary Center Corridor. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary East Corridor: display the Figure of Sanctuary East Corridor. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Northeast Corridor: display the Figure of Sanctuary Northeast Corridor. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Stage: display the Figure of Stage. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Stained Glass Window: display the Figure of Stained Glass Window. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Narthex Center: display the Figure of Narthex Center. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Narthex West: display the Figure of Narthex West. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Narthex East: display the Figure of Narthex East. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Narthex Northwest: display the Figure of Narthex Northwest. After looking in Resurrection Leawood Narthex Northeast: display the Figure of Narthex Northeast. After looking in 1 of a Kind: display the Figure of 1 of a Kind. After looking in Penn Valley Park: display the Figure of Liberty Memorial. After examining the Resurrection Leawood Baptismal Font: display the Figure of Baptismal Font. After examining the Resurrection Leawood Stone Water Feature of Narthex West: display the Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex West. After examining the Resurrection Leawood Stone Water Feature of Narthex Center: display the Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex Center. After examining the Resurrection Leawood Stone Water Feature of Narthex East: display the Figure of Stone Water Feature of Narthex East. After examining Resurrection Leawood Altar Table: display the Figure of Altar Table. After examining Melkior: display the Figure of Melkior. After examining Buckethead: display the Figure of Buckethead. After examining Elmo: display the Figure of Elmo & Gandalf; say "[Elmo] and [Gandalf the Grey] are playing a game.". After examining TV: let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Television Responses; say "The TV says '[Response in row rr of Table of Television Responses]'". After examining the player while the location of the player is not Poorly Lit Room: display the Figure of Me. After examining Burnt Ends BBQ: display the Figure of BBQ. After examining Gandalf the Grey: display the Figure of Elmo & Gandalf; say "[Elmo] and [Gandalf the Grey] are playing a game.". Instead of taking while the noun is ye flask: say "You can't get ye flask.". After speech when the noun is Zingo the Makeupless Clown: let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Zingo Responses; say "Zingo looks at his watch and says '[Response in row rr of Table of Zingo Responses]'". Chapter 7 - The Game [ The Beginning scene ] The Beginning is a scene. The Beginning begins when play begins. The Beginning ends when the player is wearing the ring of awesomeness. The description of the Beginning is "Welcome to Buttered Toast: Enter the Kansas City.[line break][line break]We want to claim this is full of action, adventure, mystery, and love![line break][line break]In loving memory of Johnny von Soundstation." After speech when the noun is Narrator and The Beginning is happening: move the ring of awesomeness to the location of the player; try silently taking ring of awesomeness; now the player is wearing ring of awesomeness; move the officer's hat to the location of the player; try silently taking officer's hat; now the player is wearing officer's hat; move the officer's badge to the location of the player; try silently taking officer's badge; now the player is wearing officer's badge; move the officer's baton to the location of the player; try silently taking officer's baton; now the player is wearing officer's baton; move the set of handcuff to the location of the player; try silently taking set of handcuff; say "The Narrator says 'Take these implements! Seek out the root cause of a murder, officer. This is the first Buttered Toast introducing the 1PD6 RPG system, so build up your stats to fend off the assaults of racism. Maybe give yourself a good look and don't forget to have some fun along the way, or you'll go mad. The best hint that I can give for navigation is check out a recent map of Kansas City, MO.'". The player is in Poorly Lit Room. [ Act I ] Act I is a scene. Act I begins when The Beginning ends. Act I ends when the player has Crime Scene Photos. When Act I begins: move the player to Arthur Bryant's; say "Everyone looks up as you enter and smiles. You hear rounds of 'Hello!' and 'How are you today, officer?'[paragraph break]Inside the food prep area, and behind the first window, Darcon eyes you suspiciosly while slowly chewing on something in his mouth that is likely his tongue." Instead of speech when the noun is Darcon: If the player does not have BBQ Burnt Ends and the player does not have BBQ Stained Napkin: say "Darcon looks you up and down, frowns, and says 'You seem to have a distinct lack of burnt ends in your possession. Here, have some...for a price!'"; move BBQ Burnt Ends to the location of the player; say "Darcon hands you the delicious looking BBQ, you pay for it at the counter, and take a seat at one of the tables. Several people try to strike up a conversation with you."; silently try taking BBQ Burnt Ends. After eating BBQ Burnt Ends: say "While you eat, your police radio crackles and the voice on the other end says 'We have a murdered teenager in the Grove Park, east of Arthur Bryant's, in the 18th & Vine district.'"; say "You sigh because that's near you and respond with an affirmative. You think to yourself that this is going to be a difficult day despite the delicious food."; move BBQ Stained Napkin to the location of the player; try silently taking BBQ Stained Napkin. Every turn while Act I is happening: if the location of the player is Grove Park and the player has BBQ Stained Napkin: say "Police are everywhere. Witnesses are in the process of being interrogated. As you walk closer to where a cluster of police and detectives are, you see it: the body of an African-American teenage boy covered in blood. He appears to have been shot several times. After a quick debriefing by the detectives, you're tasked with taking the photos downtown to the Kansas City Police HQ for further investigation."; say "[paragraph break]You can find it easily by heading west to Arthur Bryant's, then northwest to '1 of a Kind', and enter the overworld. From there, head west and enter downtown and it should be somewhere in the northeast. Hey! Why am I telling you this? You [bold type]know this[roman type] by now."; move Crime Scene Photos to the location of the player; silently try taking Crime Scene Photos. [Act II] Act II Scene 1 is a scene. Act II Scene 1 begins when Act I ends. Act II Scene 1 ends when Police Clerk has Crime Scene Photos. To decide whether Crime Scene Photos interests Police Clerk: if Police Clerk has Crime Scene Photos, no; yes. After giving Crime Scene Photos to Police Clerk: say "The clerk looks at the photos while putting them into an evidence bag. She says 'Oh my! These are horrible and someone so young! Well, here is something to sign.'"; say "You fill the forms out in triplicate that transfer the evidence over to the clerk."; say "As you're about to leave the clerk clears her throat and says 'Honey, this is going to be a tough one to crack. Let's just say someone important's brother probably did this.'"; say "You say 'Oooookay!?'"; say "The clerk smiles and points toward the west. She says 'You're wanted at City Hall. I hear you have a partner now! Go say 'hi' to them.'"; say "'Oh great! Who now?', you think."; move Officer Arnold to City Hall. Act II Scene 2 is a scene. Act II Scene 2 begins when Act II Scene 1 ends. Act II Scene 2 ends when the player has Balloon Dog. After speech when the noun is Officer Arnold and the chatted up of Officer Arnold is false: now the chatted up of Officer Arnold is true; say "Officer Arnold scowls and looks you up and down. He says 'So, I deal with one of [bold type]you[roman type]?'"; say "You smile politely and say 'What ever could you mean by such toxic words you short, pasty man? We have a crime to solve. The soonest we get that resoled, the soonest we can move on to our normal lives. Agreed? Good!'"; say "Officer Arnold mutters something under his breath and then says 'Okay. Let's just get to the Plaza area and see what we can find out about this murder. If you don't know where that is, go west, south, and south again, enter the street, and go south until you reach it.'". After speech when the noun is Zongi the Clown: if Act II Scene 2 is happening: say "Zongi looks you up and down. She says 'Oh...one of your kind. Look. I know nothing about the murder other than try to find a Biker Gang.'"; say "Zongi picks up a long, green deflated balloon, inflates it and fashions it into the shape of a dog. She says 'Here! Have this. Maybe it'll help you find your true way out of here.'"; move Balloon Dog to the location of the player; otherwise: say "Zongi looks at you and says 'Wouldn't it be nice if things were a tad bit different?'[paragraph break]You reply with 'Yes. I couldn't agree more. People need to just love one another and respect their humanity.'". Before going to a room (called new room) while new room is City Hall: say "Outside City Hall, there are at least twenty white protestors raging. Their chant? 'You will not replace us!' and other similar slogans.". Before going to a room (called new room) while the chatted up of Officer Arnold is true: move Officer Arnold to new room. Act II Scene 3 is a scene. Act II Scene 3 begins when Act II Scene 2 ends. When Act II Scene 3 begins: move the player to Kansas City Police HQ; say "Arnold paces around and shouts 'This is already starting out bad. We are being told off by a Gacy-esque clown who tells us random biker gangs did it!'"; say "[paragraph break]You say 'No, she said to ask a biker gang about it. But where do we know biker gangs hang out?'"; say "[paragraph break]Arnold stops pacing and taps the floor. After a brief pause, he says 'Paola?'"; say "[paragraph break]You frown and say 'C'mon, man! I'm not driving all that way for a hunch. Think harder! What do we have going on in town?'"; say "[paragraph break]At the same time you both shout 'Planet Comicon!'. As both you and Officer Arnold leave, you say 'Let's go to far west to Bartle Hall and check it out. This investigative stuff really should be done by the detectives, you know!'"; move Colonel Barleyton to Bartle Hall. After speech when the noun is Colonel Barleyton and Act II Scene 3 is happening: say "Officer Arnold sternly looks at Colonel Barleyton and proclaims 'Alright, buddy! I see the beard and the tattoos. You're clearly a biker. What do you know about the murder of a black boy in 18th & Vine?'"; say "[line break]Colonel Barleyton throws an icy glare and says 'The acceptable term is African-American and I am no biker, although there is nothing wrong with that lifestyle. I wish, I could honestly help you out.'"; say "[line break]You smile, offer your card, and say 'Thank you, sir! If you could, could you keep an eye out for any information on this while you're town. Seriously, enjoy the convention while here.'"; say "[line break]Colonel Barleyton takes the offered card and says 'Sure thing, officer! It's a shame that some people here have such attitudes as this one, and that you get to deal with it, given recent Kansas City history.'". test me with "speak with Narrator / say hi to Darcon / eat BBQ / go east / go west / go nw / enter / go west / enter / go north / go north / go east / go east / give clerk photos / go west / say hi to arnold / go west / go south / go south / enter / go south / go south / go east / say hi to zongi / get balloon / go west / go west / say hi to barleyton ".