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"Buttered Toast: Dungeon Capers" by "William Moore".
Chapter 0 - License and General Set Up
[ Copyright (C) 2023 William R. Moore
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ]
Chapter 1 - General Set Up
The release number is 1.
The story description is "An interactive fiction of capering around a mega structure with the hopes of finding true...whatever.".
Release along with cover art, an interpreter, library card, and the source text.
Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.
Include 1PD6 Buttered Toast Setting by William Moore.
Chapter 2 - Figures and Tables
Figure of Mr Linendot is the file "mr_linendot.jpg".
Figure of Melkior is the file "melkior.jpg".
Table of Television Responses
"Where's Waldo? He's 5 foot 10 inches with a red and white striped shirt, red and white striped hat, propensity to hide. Please, let us know. His family misses him."
"Corey Corem has put out his latest album containing all new classics. You can find 'It's a Plea Bargain, Baby!' with the hit single 'Hit and Run in the Summer Sun' is available on all your favorite streaming platforms and local stores."
"And that, folks, was the latest trailer for 'Hands Off My Burrito!', the lastest film in the Billy Davis Cinematic Universe. Well, it was exactly what I expected. Let's just say!"
"The ex-wife of Firenze Prumt was found dead today in an apparent suicide while falling down the stairs. This comes days after said she has dirt on his activities many have claimed are illegal in nature."
"Enjoy the newest, hippest, greatest chip in town: Mumford Chips. Mumford Chips: the chips that make you...gruuuuuuunt! Made by S.C. Johnson Wax."
"Drink Pepso! The only drink made with real pepsin!"
Table of Melkior Responses
"Melkior says 'You will kneel before me and Lord Death!'"
"Melkior says 'Would you like to try some of this black ichor?'"
"Melkior says 'I cannot believe that I was defeated by a dwarf and a multi-armed human.'"
"Melkior says 'Lord Death, save me!'"
"Melkior says 'Ailusherai! I will find you!'"
Table of Mr Linendot Sayings
"Mr Linendot smiles and says 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot the officially unofficial spokesperson of Pepso: the only drink made with real pepsin!'"
"Mr Linendot offers you an unmarked can and shouts 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot! Try the new 'refreshing' flavor of Pepso: 'vanilla'!'"
"Mr Linendot frowns and says 'I'm legally required to use air quotes so as not to be sued by Pepso...again..."
"Mr Linendot says 'Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Linendot here to tell you about the delicious beverage Pepso. The only drink made with real pepsin and now comes in a new refreshing flavor of 'vanilla'. And remember kids, I can no longer say they are the official sponsor of the show as that has never been the case.' He drinks a Pepso 'And here comes my lunch...'"
Table of Basic Help Commands
command description
"north" "Move north"
"south" "Move south"
"east" "Move east"
"west" "Move west"
"northeast" "Move northeast"
"northwest" "Move northwest"
"southeast" "Move southeast"
"southwest" "Move southwest"
"up" "Move up"
"down" "Move down"
"look" "Looks around at current location"
"save" "Save state to a file"
"restore" "Restores a saved state"
"restart" "Restarts the game"
"verbose" "Gives full description after each command"
"diagnostic" "Give description of health"
"brief" "Give a description upon first entering an area"
"superbrief" "Never describe an area"
"quit" "Quit game"
"climb" "Climbs (up)"
"g" "Redo last command"
"go (direction)" "Go towards direction (west/east/north/south/in/out/into)"
"enter" "In to the place"
"in" "Go into something"
"out" "Go out of the place"
"get/take (item)" "Removes item from current room and places it in your inventory"
"get/take all" "Takes all takeable objects in room"
"throw (item) at (location)" "Throws the item at something"
"open (container)" "Opens the container, whether it is in the room or your inventory"
"open (exit)" "Opens the exit for travel"
"read (item)" "Reads what is written on readable item"
"drop (item)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in current room"
"put (item) in (container)" "Removes item from inventory and places it in container"
"turn (control) with (item)" "Attempts to operate the control with the item"
"turn on (item)" "Turns on the item"
"turn off (item)" "Turns the item off"
"move (object)" "Moves a large object that cannot be picked up"
"attack (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item"
"examine (object)" "Examines, or looks, at an object or item or location"
"inventory" "Shows contents of the inventory"
"eat" "Eats item (specifically food)"
"shout" "Shout it out (shout it out loud)"
"close (Door)" "Closes door"
"tie (item) to (object)" "Ties item to object"
"pick (item)" "Take/get item"
"break (item) with (item)" "Breaks item"
"kill (creature) with (item)" "Attacks creature with the item"
"drink" "Drink an item"
"smell" "Smell an item"
"cut (object/item) with (weapon)" "Comment: Strange concept, cutting the (object/item). If (object/item)=self then you commit suicide"
"listen (target)" "Listens to a creature or an item"
"slap (target)" "Slap the target viciously."
"poke (target)" "Poke a target."
"credits" "Display the credits for this game"
"punch" "you punch someone"
"talk to" "You will talk to someone for once in your life."
Table of RPG Commands
command description
"stat" "Display your stats"
"reroll" "Reroll your stats if in Poorly Lit Room."
"buy (strength, defense, hp, or die)" "Purchase an attribute with experience points."
"accuse (target)" "accuse the target of murder"
Chapter 3 - Rooms and Doors
Dungeon 1 Meet & Greet Room is a room. The description is "The meet and greet room has stone walls and granite floors and ceilings.".
Chapter 4 - Actors
Mr Linendot is a man. He is in Dungeon 1 Meet & Greet Room. The description is "He has lines for limbs and dots for joints. His perfectly circular head only has dots for eyes and a line for a mouth.".
The Narrator is a person. Understand "narr" as the Narrator. They are in Poorly Lit Room. The description is "The narrator is well-dressed and young looking. However, what their true form is beguiling. They look like they urgently want to speak with you.".
Amelia is a person. They are in Arthur Bryant's. The description of Amelia is "Amelia is a slender woman wearing ruined aviator clothes. She has sandy blonde hair. She is totally drunk and appears to almost always be that way.".
Darcon is a person. They are in Arthur Bryant's. The description is "He looks like a typical cook wearing a black shirt and pants.".
Buckethead is a person. The description is "That's right. THE Buckethead! He appears to be staring at his chickens, which are aimlessly pecking at and scratching the floor.".
Melkior is a person. They are in Broadway & 47th. The description is "He is an Eldarim turned undead after pledging his life to Death himself. He is currently held together it would seem by just simple rags. There are severely damaged parts on his body from previous battles.".
Hank the Wino King is a person. The strenght of Hank the Wino King is 0. The defense of Hank the Wino King is 1. The health of Hank the Wino King is 6. The dice pool of Hank the Wino King is 1. They are in Central & 4th. The description is "A dishevelled man stands before you with long, matted, brown hair. The odor that eminates from them is an assault on the senses. Their long coat is greasy and grimey."
Moonchild is a person. They are in Crown Center. The description is "The Moonchild is a man dressed in early Renaissance-style clothing and speaks with an authentic English accent."
Elmo is a person. They are in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest Corridor. The description is "Elmo is a furry red muppet that has a high pitched voice, refers to himself in the third person, and loves to smile and dance and play."
Gandalf the Grey is a person. They are in Resurrection Leawood Sanctuary Lower Floor Northwest Corridor. The description is "Gandalf is a tall wizard with grey hair, long beard, grey robes, and a wide-brimmed hat. He is often seen smoking from an ornate long pipe."
Police Clerk is a person. They are in Kansas City Police HQ. The description is "She's a generic looking police officer that is in charge of handling police evidence.".
Officer Arnold is a person. The strength of Officer Arnold is 4. The defense of Officer Arnold is 4. The health of Officer Arnold is 25. The dice pool of Officer Arnold is 3. The description is "He's a generic-looking white police officer with a crew cut so sharp you can slice bread with it.".
Zingo the Makeupless Clown is a person. They are in Ewing & Muriel Kaufman Memorial Garden. The printed name is "Zingo, the Makeup-less Clown". The description is "Zingo, the Makeup-less Clown has no make up on. He has a black eye from a prior altercation. His face is covered in grime. He wears a raggedy, fitted, red shirt. He wears sweatpants that are dirty with torn out pockets and holes in semi-random places. On his right wrist is a smart watch despite no apparent accompanied smart phone. On one foot is a dirty, old sneaker. On the other is a smelly sock and a grody sandal. He smells vaguely like cat litter."
Zongi the Clown is a person. The printed name is "Zongi, the Clown". They are in Ewing & Muriel Kaufman Memorial Garden. The description is "This Gacy-esque clown is doing clown things.".
Colonel Barleyton is a person. The description is "A black haired, bearded man known for being many things, one of which was on some space show in the 80s.".
Chapter 5 - Things
The ring of awesomeness is a thing. It is wearable. The description is "An awesome-looking ring that fits your finger perfectly.".
BBQ Burnt Ends is a thing. It is edible. The description is "The BBQ burnt ends are a Kansas City specialty. They look so good and that they should be eaten before getting too cold.".
ye flask is a thing. It is fixed in place. The description is "It is a flask containing some unknown liquid."
Can of Vanilla Pepso is a thing. The description is "A can of 'delicious', 'refreshing', 'vanilla' Pepso, the only flavored cola made with real pepsin.".
TV is a thing. It is fixed in place. It is in Dungeon 1 Meet & Greet Room. The description is "This television has a black shell surrounding a touch screen. The touch screen currently says 'Touch Me!'".
Chapter 6 - Actions
Understand "credits" as credits. Credits is an action applying to nothing.
Carry out credits:
say "I would like to first and foremost thank Nina Nadu, my wife, for being my everything.";
say "[line break]Next, I would like to thank my kids Olivia and Henry for being the rambuncious lot that you both are and have a special place in my heart!";
say "[line break]Without your help, this would not be here!".
Understand "help" as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing.
Carry out helping:
say "You like help? Here we go![paragraph break]";
say "[bold type]Basic Commands[roman type]:[line break]";
repeat through Table of Basic Help Commands:
say "[bold type][command entry][roman type]: [description entry][line break]";
say "[line break][bold type]Dice Commands[roman type]:[line break]";
repeat through Table of RPG Commands:
say "[bold type][command entry][roman type]: [description entry][line break]";
pause the game.
Understand "talk to [something]" as talking. Talking is an action applying to one visible thing.
After talking when noun is Melkior:
let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Melkior Responses;
say "[Response in row rr of Table of Melkior Responses]".
After talking when noun is Mr Linendot:
let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Mr Linendot Sayings;
say "[Saying in row rr of Table of Mr Linendot Sayings]";
if player is not carrying Can of Vanilla Pepso:
say "[paragraph break]Mr Linendot says 'Have this can of 'vanilla' pepso on the house!'";
move can of vanilla pepso to location of the player;
silently try taking the can of vanilla pepso.
After rubbing when noun is ring of awesomeness:
say "A disembodied voice says 'AWESOOOME!'".
[ For displaying figures ]
After examining Melkior:
display the Figure of Melkior.
After examining Buckethead:
display the Figure of Buckethead.
After examining Elmo:
display the Figure of Elmo & Gandalf;
say "[Elmo] and [Gandalf the Grey] are playing a game.".
After touching TV:
let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Television Responses;
say "The TV says '[Response in row rr of Table of Television Responses]'".
After examining the player while the location of the player is not Poorly Lit Room:
display the Figure of Me.
After examining Police Clerk:
display the Figure of Police Clerk.
After examining Mr Linendot:
display the Figure of Mr Linendot.
After examining Burnt Ends BBQ:
display the Figure of BBQ.
After examining Gandalf the Grey:
display the Figure of Elmo & Gandalf;
say "[Elmo] and [Gandalf the Grey] are playing a game.".
Instead of taking while the noun is ye flask:
say "You can't get ye flask.".
After talking when the noun is Zingo the Makeupless Clown:
let rr be a random number from 1 to number of rows in Table of Zingo Responses;
say "Zingo looks at his watch and says '[Response in row rr of Table of Zingo Responses]'".
Chapter 7 - The Game
[ The player is in Dungeon 1 Meet & Greet Room. ]